Chapter Six: Mercury

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Mercury was in reggaeton.

Why else would everything be falling apart? Surely it wasn't because of my conscience. No, my jumbled mind couldn't be the reason for all my recent mishaps. My struggles were definitely caused by a planet over forty million miles away.

Since speaking to Liam, I was all over the place and couldn't do anything right. I burned my toast, spilled coffee on my white blouse, got stuck in traffic and arrived late to my therapy session. And, all of these things happened in one morning. My life had turned into a shit show in one day. Although I'd love to blame it on Mercury, I was positive it was due to my guilt.

When I told Dr. Crain the details of my conversation with Liam, she pointed out a few things I was ashamed to admit I hadn't considered. 'So, you're telling me Liam is a victim of sexual harassment,' she'd said. I was so surprised by her statement that I stared at her, speechless. She was absolutely right. It seemed Liam and I had that in common. And furthermore, I was almost certain the culprit of both of our assaults was the same person. After leaving my appointment with Dr. Crain, I'd been feeling even worse. I should've been more understanding of Liam and his situation.

A Roman playwright named Plautus once said, 'Nothing is more wretched than the mind of a man conscious of guilt.' Well, my mind was definitely wretched. I felt extremely distressed at the way I'd reacted to Liam and his story. I was always worried about how others would react to my own rape, yet I practically fled the car when Liam told me about his sexual assault.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, I quickly requested a car with my phone. Then, I wore my shoes, grabbed my purse, and raced out the door of my apartment.

Ten minutes later, I was taking the elevator up to the floor of Henderson Investments. I entered the massive office space, staring slack-jawed at my surroundings. It was my first time visiting Liam at his office. I always knew he was extremely successful, but I wasn't expecting such spectacular opulence.

I slowly approached the receptionist, smiling at her. "Hello," I greeted. "I'd like to see Liam Henderson."

"Certainly," she smiled back. "Do you have an appointment with Mr. Henderson?"


"Oh no, I don't," I admitted. "But it's alright if he can't see me."

"Oh, it's fine. If you give me your name, I'll inform Mr. Henderson that you're here."

"Thank you, I'm Charlotte Wright."

"Wright?" she questioned. "As in the Wright Enterprises?"

"Umm, yeah," I nodded, sheepishly. "My family owns Wright Enterprises."

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Wright. I did not recognize you. Please, have a seat and Mr. Henderson will be right with you. Would you like any refreshments while you wait?"

"I'm fine, thank you," I said, turning toward the waiting area. But, before I could have a seat, the receptionist approached me.

"Ms. Wright, please follow me," she said, hurriedly. "Mr. Henderson is free to see you."

I nodded and followed her through the halls to a corner office. I could see Liam standing up from his desk through the glass doors. As the receptionist opened the door for me, I walked into the spacious room.

"Lottie," Liam breathed. "It's so good to see you."

"Hello Liam," I said, smiling shyly.

"Please, have a seat," he offered.

I approached his desk and took a seat on one of the guest chairs.

"I wasn't expecting you," Liam admitted as he took his own seat.

"I know. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you."

"Of course not, Lottie. You could never interrupt me."

"Liam, I owe you an apology," I blurted out, getting it off my chest.

"What? Why?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Well, for the way I acted when you told me about what happened with Virginia. I was cold and heartless. You confessed something awful that happened to you, and I didn't acknowledge how difficult it must have been for you. I'm truly sorry, Liam."

"Lottie, you don't need to apologize for that. I was the one who cornered you."

"I do need to apologize. I, of all people, should have been more understanding of your experience. Please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you. But what do you mean by you, of all people?"

"It's a long story," I answered him, waving my hand. "I promise to tell you about it at another time. Now, would you be willing to go out to lunch with me? It will be my way of formally apologizing to you."

I watched as Liam's face filled with joy and chuckled.

"I'd love to," Liam declared, enthusiastically.

So, we both stood up and headed out of his office, discussing where to have lunch. We took the elevator down to the first floor and exited Liam's office building, as Liam raved about a French and Italian restaurant nearby. Then, we walked down Fifth Avenue toward the restaurant he had suggested. Once we were inside, we approached the hostess for a table. Liam was speaking to her, as I waited near the entrance, when I noticed a familiar person walking out of the dining area and toward the doors.

"Martin," I called out as I quickly rushed to him. "I knew it was you. How have you been?"

"Lottie?" he asked with amazement, facing me. "Wow, I haven't seen you in years. I'm doing well. How are you?"

"I'm good," I chuckled. "Are you busy? Were you already leaving?"

"Oh yeah, I just finished a work meeting and I'm heading back to the office. But, maybe you can jot down my number and we can catch up later."

"I'd love to. I actually want to talk to you about something."

"Sure," he replied, smiling at me as I pulled out my phone.

I was adding his contact information to my phone when Liam approached us. "Lottie, our table is ready. Are you coming?"

"Oh, yes. I just need a second," I said to Liam. Then, I faced Martin again. "It was nice seeing you. I'll call you later."

"Sounds good. I can't wait to catch up with you," Martin replied. Then, he waved goodbye and walked out the doors.

When I turned toward Liam again, I noticed he'd been watching me like a hawk. "What is it?" I asked, perplexed.

"Did you just agree to go out with that guy?"

"Umm," I mumbled. "Not really?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not really a date, but we're gonna catch up later."

He looked murderous for a second, and then he quickly relaxed his features and led me toward our table.

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