Shifting Tides: Death of Charles

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The window shatters, sending the hammer outside. Goofy starts regenerating as he stands back up before his gut can bleed out that much. He crushes the Bop It Game. "You got me again but you can't kill me now that I'm a Barian!" "I don't want to kill you, Goofy. Things don't have to be this way. You can simply switch sides. It's not that hard. Do you even remember your life before you became a Barian?" "..I had a life but I don't remember it nor do I care to!" "Is that really what you think? If I have to put you down, I will but I want to at least try to reach out to you. This is my only chance to get you to change sides." He starts using his fists instead of his hammer to fight me but against my sword, it doesn't go well. "Goofy, we don't have to fight like this or at all. You can just change sides. Don't you want to return to spending time with your son Max or your dear friends like Mickey, Minnie, and Donald?" "..Those names.. Gawrsh. They sound so familiar to me.. But I like who I've become." "But those who care about you don't like what you have become. I can only imagine how heart wrenching it would be for your son to see you like this. Ask yourself: are am I really happy the way I am now? Please, it doesn't have to be too late for you." Goofy refuses to return to his original self. "I will never change who I am now that I've become this powerful! Time to use my full power against you!" He starts punching a lot harder as his skin suddenly becomes a lot tougher. I find it difficult to defeat him now. However, that doesn't mean I will give up. I'm going to get him to stop causing destruction one way or another.

We continue to clash for another 20 minutes. However, I'm too strong and intelligent for him. And that's what sealed the deal. I implement the general idea of the Provoke technique primarily learned by Midgardian(Ragnarok Origin universe) swordsmen: doing something to piss off the enemy. I make mocking gestures and this causes Goofy to start attacking wildly and unpredictably instead of what he was doing before. His punches couldn't do anything to my armor. "I cast Repair! And now to end this, Goofy!" I catch one of his fists with my left hand and tightly hold onto it. Goofy is now unable to move away from me. I take full advantage of that fact to tighten my hold on him until his bones begin to crack. Once they do, I let go and his fist limps. After that, I kick him several times before equipping my shield to my left hand: "Shield Bash!" My attack stuns him for a couple of seconds which I use to stab his heart. My sword which I made sure stopped draining my energy with Enhance Armament not long after I spoke about how I didn't have long to use the technique quickly pierced his heart. I pushed through to the posterior side of his body before withdrawing my sword. Goofy collapses before me and dies. I sighed, retrieved my sword's scabbard, clipped it back onto my belt, slid Graceful Protector back into it, and picked up Goofy's body. I used Quantum Leap to take his body to the lab on BRAINS' space station and then went back to Ashford Academy. Or more specifically, where the fighting started earlier. I look around and see my comrades all standing triumphant over our now fallen foes. "Comrades, it seems we won here. Now then, we had better retrieve Lelouch as possible after someone teleports all of these bodies to the space station. After all, it might be possible to bring our foes back as new allies. This victory is bittersweet."

Blaze takes care of that. Once the wolf is done, we officially enter the school. It was thought best to have Sonic, The Flash, and Blaze in the front to help tell the students we actually don't want to do any harm to anyone. But many were still afraid. I put my helm back up over my forehead and start giving them reassuring smiles. "Don't worry, students of Ashford. We never wanted to hurt anyone today. We had no choice but to use violence to gain access to this school. But rest assured. You will be safe now. I promise. And I'm not alone. We will make sure you stay safe as long as we dwell here. Once our business here is finished, I'll make sure some of our comrades come here to take over the task of keeping all of you safe." Words like those were crucial in calming the frightened students. It took some time but we found an underground passageway leading to where Lelouch was being held. Suzaku was with him without the Zero mask on, revealing his light skin, green eyes, and short brown hair. I look at my comrades: "Stand back, all of you. I'll bust them out. For my bout of insanity earlier, this is what I must do." No one objects. I step forward towards the cage they're both in. Suzaku eyes me: "I know you. You're that armored knight from before.. I had no choice but to help stop the enemy. The Zero Requiem will have to wait until this is over." "Aye, that's me. I'm Swiftdrawer but let's save all of the introductions for later. Right now, we have to work together to stop our common enemies. Stand back, Suzaku. You too, Lelouch." Lelouch replies: "Why should I trust you or your comrades? We share a common enemy but what's stopping you from killing me, the most evil person in power in recent history? I saw your strength for my own eyes. It's beyond human."

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