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Thirty-six weeks pregnant

I'd been walking around with the engagement ring burning a hole in my wallet for the last month.

The boys had been giving me as much grief as possible since I showed it to them. I'd known the two carat princess cut diamond, set in the white gold band was meant for Madi as soon as it's sparkle caught my eye when we walked past the jewellers one day after picking up the twins double pram.

I'd made Seth tell her that he needed my help with something in town the following day, so that I could go back and buy it.

I'd been trying to decide ever since then, how I was going to pop the question and it wasn't until last night that I made up my mind. The babies were due in four weeks, on August twenty-seventh, but Dr. Rowley had told us that we were lucky that Madi had gotten this far, so we were really expecting it to be any day now and I wanted to do it before they came.

Madi's parents and Paige had arrived in Houston two days ago, so that they were here when the babies arrived. Paige was staying with us, but Dallas and Cassidy Bright, were staying with my parents. I'd already spoken to Dallas and asked for his blessing to propose to Madi.

He'd wrapped me up in a huge ass bear hug and said that nothing would make him happier and then asked if I knew where he'd be able to buy a shotgun.

Madi was a family person. That much was obvious. She was always happiest when she had hoards of people around her and since it was the middle of summer, I called and invited everyone over for a picnic and swim in the lake. Since it crossed through both ours and my parents property, I told them we'd just meet them down there.

Paige and Eddie hadn't seen each other since she went back to Australia after New Years and I could tell she was nervous from all the bouncing around she was doing.

"How about you do something useful and put all the sandwiches into the picnic basket, because your nervous pacing is driving me batty!" I said to her.

She glared at me, but did it anyway. I didn't know how nice they'd be by the time we got down there with the way she was shoving them in though.

"Oh gee, they'll be tasty." Said Madi from the doorway. I walked over to her and kissed her passionately before bending down to kiss her stomach.

"Hello my babies. Daddy loves you." I did this at least once a day and thought Madi would get annoyed with it after a while, but it always made her all weepy instead. In a good way of course. "How you feeling Sunshine?" I asked and laughed when she rolled her eyes at me.

"Like a beached whale. My feet are all swollen still and my back is killing me."

"Once we get down to the lake you'll feel better. The nice cool water will do wonders for the swelling." I said. She reached up and tenderly rubbed my cheek.

"How'd I get so lucky?"

"Thank my Mum. She's the one that told me to look at your work remember."

"True. I think maybe we should build her that bird aviary that she keeps talking about, but never gets around to doing herself. It can be our way of saying thanks for being awesome."

"Sounds like a great idea." I said, leaning down and kissing her on the nose.

"Kiss for me, Daddy?" Lee-Lee asked as she walked into the kitchen. It still spun me out every time I heard her call me Daddy. I swear it's the best word in the entire universe. I honestly could not wait until I was able to adopt her and officially make her my daughter. I couldn't wish for a better big sister for the twins. We'd gotten her a girl and a boy doll and she absolutely adored them. I hoped that she adored her siblings just as much.

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