Chapter Nine - Madi

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I made sure to actually let him say goodbye to me this time and then put my phone back onto the table beside my bed in one of the guest rooms at the Farley house.

I don't know if I was imagining things, but he didn't sound too sure when he said that he definitely wanted me on the bus. Maybe I was just looking into it too much. I had a tendency to do that. Another puzzle was why I got tingles to my toes whenever I heard his voice.. I couldn't even listen to the Freight Train album that Tania put on this afternoon, without blushing.

No doubt it was because that little bugger tricked me into kissing him. A small smile hit my lips when I thought about that moment. It couldn't even be classed a proper kiss, since we'd barely even touched, but it was still more than I'd had since Seeley's father and let's be honest.. I liked it.

I woke up just before eight and couldn't remember falling asleep. By the time I was showered, dressed and made my way to the kitchen, Tania had Seeley up, fed and outside playing with the dogs.

I felt bad for sleeping in, but when I said that to Sarah, she just laughed and told me they honestly didn't mind. Seeley had taken an instant liking to the Farley women and they had in turn fallen deeply in love with her. I knew their connection was going to make it easier for me to leave my baby girl behind for two weeks and while I was sad at the idea, I also wasn't as worried as I had been when I'd first thought it all through.

I'd just sat down at the kitchen table with a much needed cup of coffee, when what sounded like a rhinoceros came stomping through the house, preceded by the deep, animated voice of Patrick Farley, Cam's father.

"I hear that Sunshine has finally descended on Lake Jackson and is personally brightening our house with her beautiful rays of light!" He boomed out as he walked into the kitchen. I shrieked, jumped off my chair and threw myself into his waiting arms.

"Patty!" I gushed and hugged him as tight as I could. Sunshine had always been Cam's nickname for me because of my surname, but Patty had caught onto it and usually used it as well.

"How is our favourite Madison in the whole world?" He asked as he set me down, kissed my cheek and walked over to the kettle to make himself a coffee.

"I'm fantastic. I have a great job which has just landed me a month long, all expense paid trip to America and an amazing daughter. What more could a girl want!" I replied and his laughter enveloped the room.

"Sounds like a bloody ripper of a life to me, my darling. I just met your little mini Madi outside. She's a real little charmer, just like her Mum." I blushed at his words. Seeley really was like me. Apart from the fact that she had her father's green eyes, she had my wavy brunette hair and her personality was just a more excitable version of my own.

"Thanks Patty. She's awesome. There's no better way to describe her."

"With a Mum like you, I doubt she could be anything less." He said as he sat down across from me.

"Your son said the same thing." Patty raised his eyebrows at my words.

"Really? My son said something that nice? Wonders will never cease." I laughed at his reaction and he winked at me. "So how are you feeling about spending two weeks on their tour bus with them?"

"To be honest. I'm not really sure." I said with a shrug. "It'll be good to catch up with Cam again considering how close we were growing up, but he's so different from the guy I knew back then. He seems to bring out the bitch in me." I added and Patty nodded.

"That he is. He's a hard knock rocker now and I guess that changes a person. All that fame and fortune. I don't know half the things he gets up to and I probably don't want to know either, but what I do know is that he's still our Cam deep down inside. Whenever he's here for a break, it's like he's a completely different person to the one that we see on the telly."

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