Chapter Six - Cam

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I sat down on the lounge opposite Madi and Seeley. I stayed silent and just watched as Madi cuddled Seeley and gently patted her back until she drifted off to sleep. She looked up and caught me staring. I gave her a sheepish grin.

"What?" She asked.

"Being a Mum suits you." I replied honestly. This made her blush again. Her cheeks still turned the same shade of pink that I remembered them going when we were teenagers.

"Thank you." She responded as she rubbed her cheek over Seeley's head and then laid a soft kiss on her forehead. "She's a bit special." The smile that spread across her lips was amazing. She looked over at me and caught me staring again.

What was wrong with me? I never gawked at a women like this. I usually just gave them the once over, made a quick decision as to whether or not I wanted to shag them and then either started talking to them to start the process or moved on to the next one vying for my attention. Being a famous rock star had turned my heart to stone. There was no time for emotions and that kind of bullshit.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" She drew her eyebrows together in confusion.

"The picture on your website doesn't do you justice. You're a bloody stunner Sunshine!" I shrugged. She burst out laughing and then quickly covered her mouth when Seeley sighed in her sleep.

"Whoops!" She gently stroked Seeley's hair until her breathing deepened again. "I haven't changed that much since we were teenagers Cam." My eyes went wide in surprise.

"You're kidding right?!" She smiled at my response and shook her head, but didn't say anything. "Well for starters, your hair is longer and a different colour. Brunette suits you better than that weird dirty blonde colour that you used to like so much." She gave a little laugh and blushed, but still remained silent. It was as if she wanted every detail uninterrupted. She'd always had a real knack for making me say more than I wanted or intended to. She was also the only person that I'd ever been completely honest with and before losing contact with her, we'd had no secrets. She'd known absolutely everything about me. She'd be shocked if she knew the person I was now. I was really hoping that I'd be able to keep that side hidden while she was on the bus with us. "You're more curvy now too." I added and she frowned at me, so I quickly went on. "Don't frown at me. I'm not calling you fat Madi.. Your body is perfect! You're slim, but you've got curves in all the right places and you've actually got boobs now and from what I can see with you being fully clothed and all, they're pretty bloody good ones!" She went into a fit of giggles again and blushed a deeper shade of pink.

Before she got a chance to say anything, one of the V.I.P lounge staff came over with a pillow and blanket.

"I thought you might like these for your little girl." The young man smiled at her.

"Wow, thank you! That's so nice of you." Madi replied, beaming up at him. I have to admit that I felt a small pang of jealousy that he was the one she was smiling so beautifully at, but I quickly squashed the feeling and stood up.

"I'll take those thanks mate." I said and took them out of his hands. He looked over at me as if seeing me for the first time and did a double take.

"Oh. Jesus. Cam Farley!"

"That's me." I nodded. He stuck out his hand, so I put the pillow and blanket down on the lounge and shook it. "Big fan man.. Big fan. Love Freight Train. It's great to meet you!" I glanced down at the name stitched into his shirt.

"Thanks Todd. You think you could grab us some drinks?" He nodded eagerly at me.

"What would you guys like?" I looked over at Madi and raised my eyebrows questioningly at her.

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