Chapter Twenty-Nine - Madi

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Patty was released from hospital two days before Christmas.

He was ordered to do nothing but rest, which he hated. Every time he got up to go and do something, someone would sit his ass back down on the couch and go do it for him.

Seeley was being an absolute angel. She'd take books for him to read to her and sit on the couch beside him or take a colouring book and pencils to the table for them to colour together. She kept him busy, without him having to be active. The hospital had freaked her out, so we'd only taken her up to see him twice and she was so excited that he was back at the ranch again.

"I fort you was gunna miss Santa, Par-Par." She said to him on Christmas Eve, while they were sitting on the couch watching the Christmas parades on TV.

"That silly hospital wasn't going to keep me away from my little princess at Christmas. No way!" He replied, ruffling her hair. She giggled and snuggled into his good side.

"I missed you when you was sick. Are you all betterer now?"

"Nearly all better, but I've still got a pretty big owies."

I smiled over at them from my place at the kitchen sink, peeling what seemed like a hundred potatoes. Eddie and Theo's families had arrived a few days ago and the women of the house were busy trying to get all the food for the next two days organised.

Arms came around my stomach, scaring the crap out of me. I spun around to find Cam laughing behind me.

"You scared me half to death!" I growled at him. He brazenly placed a hand on my left breast and smiled.

"Your heart is still beating, so you're fine." I laughed and smacked his hand away.

"Rack off you. Seeley is just over there. She doesn't need to see you groping me!" The smile that lit up his face every time I mentioned her name, shone brightly and he looked over at her.

"She's pretty spesh isn't she." He said, squeezing me tightly.

"Definitely." I agreed. He lowered his forehead down to rest on mine and looked into my eyes with such passion that I could feel my body responding instantly.

"I want more." He whispered.

"More what?" I asked huskily. He winked at me.

"Yeah more of that, but I meant more kids."

"You what?!" My voice caught in my throat.

"More kids. I want to have kids with you Madi." I think I went into shock, because I couldn't speak. He'd made little comments about kids before, but never with this intense seriousness in his eyes. There was no denying that he honest to god meant it this time. "Say something." He pleaded.

"The way she's been hurling on and off for the last few weeks, maybe you've already knocked her up." Paige's words seemed to bring me out of my trance and I looked over at her. Cam loosened his hold on me and pulled my face back to look at him. Confusion matching my own etched onto his face.

"Could she be right?" He asked. I started doing the calculations in my head. It was Christmas Eve.. That meant my period was due..

"Oh god!" I said, covering my mouth with my hand, before escaping Cam's arms and running to our bedroom.

I went straight to the bathroom and grabbed my pill packet from in the cupboard beside the mirror on the wall. It confirmed what I'd been thinking. I'd taken the red part of the strip over two weeks ago and I'd never gotten my period. I hadn't even realised. I looked up and saw Cam standing in the doorway.

"Could you be?" He asked. I nodded my answer. "From that time when I forgot to cover up?" I looked down at my hands, doing the math. "No. It would have had to be before then. Jesus, possibly even the first time we did it!" I looked up at him, expecting to find him upset, but instead he was smiling at me. Smiling!

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