Chapter Nineteen - Madi

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We'd just gotten out of the car and were walking back towards the bus when we heard Cam yell out. All four of us took off to get to him. Seth reached the bedroom first and almost ripped the door off it's hinges in his haste to get to his best friend.

"Oh for christ sake Cam! You scared the living shit out of us! What'd she do... Bite you?"

"Get her the hell away from me!" I heard Cam yell.

"Her?" I pushed past Seth and walked into the bedroom to find Cam sitting up against the end of the bed with his pants around his ankles and his dick out for the world to see. If I hadn't been so appalled by the fact that Nurse Jessica was standing in the opposite corner of the room, I probably would have been pretty impressed. "Wow... Sorry we interrupted." Was all I could think of to say before rushing out of the room, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to escape.

"No... Madison wait! Fuck!" Cam bellowed out. I didn't stop. I hoped that Scott was still outside with the car.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Came Bobby's voice just before he stepped onto the bus, with Scott close on his heels. At least I knew that Scott was still here.

"Can you take me to a hotel please Scott? I can't stay on this bus any longer." I asked him as he walked past me. He stopped short and looked at me and then looked towards the bedroom with confusion crossing his face.

"Yeah of course, but why?" I flopped down on the couch and put my head between my knees. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. Why was this affecting me so much? He hadn't promised me anything. I was going back to Australia in just over a week. I couldn't reasonably expect anything from him.

"You're not taking her anywhere!" Said Cam as he came stumbling out of the bedroom. I looked up and saw that he was holding onto the walls for support and looked as if he was about to pass out. Bobby came out after him, pushing Jessica along in front of him, holding her hands behind her back.

"Let go of me you big ape!" She screamed.

"You got rocks in your head if you think I'm going to let you go before the cops have you in cuffs, you stupid bitch." He replied with a dry, humourless laugh.

Cam sat down on the couch beside me and tried to put his arm around me, but I scooted away.

"Don't." I whispered harshly.

"It's not what you think Madi. She broke into the bus. I was out cold from those sleeping tablets and I thought I was dreaming."

"So dreaming of her is your excuse?"

"No... I was dreaming it was you!" He admitted and I gasped.

"You won't go anywhere near me like that and you expect me to believe that you thought she was me?"

"It's true! It wasn't until she started talking that I realised the voice was wrong and I opened my eyes and saw her kneeling over me. As soon as I got my bearings, I moved as far away from her as my messed up body could get me and yelled out."

"It doesn't even matter Cameron... I have no hold over you. You can do what you want." My voice had turned ice cold. Even I could hear it.

"Don't say that Madi. You promised you wouldn't give up on me." He was almost begging. His mates all stood behind him with looks of disbelief on their faces. I would have laughed if I wasn't so upset.

"What did you expect from me Cam? I'm going back to Australia in ten days and you'll probably never see me again." His face visibly dropped and I looked away. I felt like a complete bitch, but I was hurt and when I got hurt, I got mean.

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