Chapter Ten - Cam

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 "You reckon you can put some more effort into the Arizona shows or what Cam?" Seth growled.

"Piss off Seth.

"You're just lucky that the San Diego and Imperial fans love us too much to notice how much of a wanker you were!"

"Piss. Off. Seth!" I repeated, but this time with more anger edging my tone.

"What's your bloody problem lately anyway? Ever since we left LA you've been a complete cocksucker. Did you not get enough pussy while we were there or something? You sure as shit have had plenty since we've been on the road again." I flew up out of my chair and got up in his face.

"I said piss off Seth. Just back off alright!" He didn't back down, but I didn't expect him too. Instead he shoved me against my chest and I fell back a step. There wasn't much room in the bus and I missed the edge of the kitchenette's counter by an inch.

"No! I will not back off! You're not the only person in this group man." He said as he took a step towards me. Eddie and Theo were sitting on the lounge pretending to be playing the PlayStation, but I knew they were paying more attention to us in case they had to pull us apart. It wouldn't be the first time. "You're not the lone freaking ranger! We're the musketeers! All for one and one for all you shit head!" Seth was the movie buff of the group. If it had been made, then there was a good chance he'd seen it. I didn't respond to him. Just stood there glaring at him with my fists at the ready by my sides. I didn't want to use them, but if he didn't back up, then I'd knock his freaking lights out. "I really hope you don't keep acting like this when we pick Madi up tomorrow, because she doesn't know you like we do and I doubt she'd put up with it for long."

"Leave her the hell out of this!" I spat at him before storming down the length of the bus, into the bedroom and then slamming and locking the door.


The reason I was in this messed up mood. She hadn't answered my calls or replied to my texts since she'd called me a prick and hung up on me eleven days ago.

Yeah I felt like shit about what I'd said and no I didn't bloody mean it, but I didn't want her coming onto the bus with hopes of anything happening. She was too important to my family for me to screw anything up. Hell she was too important to me! All I ever do was stuff things up.


All I'd been trying to do was protect our friendship and I'd screwed that up in the process. I don't even know why I'd felt the need to say what I said. It's not like she fancies me any way. Even if she did, there was no way that she does any more.

She was right...

I should have just pretended that Sarah never told me. I wasn't even convinced that she would be on the plane from Houston that we are going to meet tomorrow morning.

Someone bashed on the bedroom door.

"Bugger off Seth!"

"It's not Seth." Came Theo's reply. "Scott just got back with the pizza. Come eat."

"I'm not hungry." I was starving!

"Don't be a wanker. Just come and eat some pizza, have a beer and stop sulking like a little girl." I didn't respond and after thirty seconds, heard him walking back down to the lounge area. I growled, grabbed my phone and pressed my sister's name on the screen.

"Why hello stranger!" she answered.

"Is she getting on the plane tomorrow?" I really wasn't in the mood for chitchat.

"I'm great thank you Cameron. How are you? Wait... Don't bother answering that."

"Not in the mood Sarah." I said warningly.

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