Chapter Fourteen - Cam

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The drive back to the bus was spent in complete silence.

Every now and then I would sneak a peak across the car to Madi, but her eyes stayed glued out the window. I could tell by the set of her jaw that she was still shitty and she had every right to be. I'd overreacted, but I didn't want there to be a picture of me and the nurse in the bloody book. If there was going to be a picture of me with a woman, then it was going to be with Madi.

She had absolutely no idea the effect she was having on me. I've been caught in compromising situations with women dozens of times and never cared, yet Madi catches me and I felt ashamed... I actually felt ashamed! Which in turn kicked my defence mechanism into over-drive and turned me into a dickhead. I was just about to slide across the seat and try to use my trademark charm on her to get her out of her mood, but Scott pulled up beside the bus and she was out the door.

I opened the bus door and walked in to hoots of laughter. I figured Madi was recalling the situation she'd caught me in, but she was nowhere to be seen. The boys were watching an old Charlie Chaplin movie. Theo had tears rolling down his cheeks, he was laughing so much.

"Ah the prodigal son returns!" Said Seth as he turned back from the fridge. He grabbed another beer out of it and brought it over to me.

"Where'd Madi go?" I asked him. He nodded towards the bedroom at the back of the bus.

"Into the room. She was mumbling something about having photos to edit." He replied as he sat back down on the couch. If any of them had noticed her mood, they weren't saying anything. I sat down beside Seth and looked at the TV, though I wasn't watching it.

"How you feeling?" Asked Theo, wiping tears off his cheek.

"Alright. Been better."

"How many stitches did you end up with?" Asked Eddie.

"Thirty something."

"The chicks'll dig that man! Not that you needed any help in that department." He said. I gave a halfhearted laugh and looked down at the firmly closed door at the back of the bus.

"What's wrong with you? You look like your best friend just died and I'm pretty sure I'm sitting right here." Seth laughed.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"You pissed her off again didn't you!" Theo said accusingly. "We all got to know her pretty good last night man. Don't go upsetting her..."

"What do you mean you all got to know her pretty good? What the hell did you do?!"

"Get your mind out of the gutter Cam. We were playing the Sony and she was taking pictures and we just talked for most of the night. Nothing sinister you moron!" Eddie added.

"Holy shit!" I looked over at Seth when he spoke.

"What now?" I asked.

"You've got a Jones for Madi!" He said. Theo and Eddie looked over at us.

"Piss off Seth."

"Jesus... He does!" Eddie said incredulously. Theo nodded in agreement. I launched myself off the couch.

"Stuff all y'all. I need a shower." I said and stormed down the bus to the bathroom.

"Don't let your arm get wet!" I stopped short when I heard her voice.

"Well it appears she still cares, even though you're a wanker." Eddie said with a smile. Seth and Theo started laughing.


"Cam..." Came Madi's voice warningly. "You don't want it getting infected."

"Oh for christ sake! It's got a god damned waterproof thing covering it. Jesus! If you're so freaking worried about it, then you come and wash me and make sure it stays dry." I waited for a response, but none came. "Yeah... I thought as much." I added before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

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