Chapter 20

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Sirens of ambulance came to an halt with a sudden break in speed as the hospital could seen in view, medical staff running a stretcher with them, came Infront of the ambulance taking Jungkook out of it, this was so sudden that the boy having whimpering mother in his embrace couldn't digest the sudden changes, he was almost about shout that where they were taking his Jungkook

As he was about to say his throat couldn't form any word as his mind stuck in one word "his" was he saying his jungkook? How ridiculous! Jungkook was never his and never could be. Isn't the things like this?

Before he could say something Mrs Jeon move out of his embrace and took fast pace towards the boy laying unconscious onto the stretcher, Taehyung followed behind.

The doctor rushing towards the boy having medical staff behind him, they swiftly moved him towards the emergency room, making the crying mess mother to wail out her fears, losing a child is traumatic, no one wants to bear this pain, Mrs Jeon never wants this too.

Taehyung ran towards her taking her in his embrace, his nervousness fading in the moment, no matter how badly Mrs Jeon treated him first, this was not the time to think about it, she needs him and he is here for her, Taehyung took her firmly in his embrace making her to stand up, trying to stay as strong as he could but slow whimpers escaping his mouth weren't helping at all, as he lead her towards the metal bench Mrs Jeon broke into more tears

"Ta-Taehyung" she cried, making the boy to look at her

"Ma-am, am here" he says soothingly, rubbing his hand at her back

In a swift of moment she kneeled Infront of him, joining her hands Infront of him, making taehyung all stunned at the approximation  of the moment

"Ma-am!! What are you doing!!" Taehyung said holding her hands trying to push her upwards

"Taehyung, I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I think all this is happening because of me, because of my mistakes. My son is suffering, and I can't bear to see him like this. Please forgive me. I treated you poorly, and my son is paying for my wrongdoings. I was bad back then, and I'm still not perfect, but please find it in your heart to forgive me"

Mrs Jeon had no idea why she was saying this but a thing which is occupying her mind is her son, she wants her son's well being and the scenery seeing him laying almost losing his life was terrifying it broke her to the point where she thinks he is facing this all because of her bad deeds and she whole heartedly wants to be forgiven so her son can be out of danger.

Taehyung's heart broke seeing Mrs Jeon so helpless at the moment, the woman when she walks hold the aura of dominance, her graceful walk caring nothing about her surroundings, her aroma giving every person around her chills, was now kneeling down Infront of a maid, just a mere maid! Cause she thinks what his child is bearing is all because of her ego, he might be suffering just a mere fever, but still her mother heart couldn't take it.

Taehyung knelt Infront of her taking her tenderly in his embrace, tears flowing like a waterfall, it was so difficult for both of them to control their whimperings.

"P-lease" her pleadings made taehyung's heart to beat with pain

Closing his eyes he let the tears flow, embracing her more tightly still the hold was tender

"It-s okay! I forgave you" he Ushered the words, he could've said no no it wasn't your fault or that's all okay that's really not matter what but he knows this is not what she wants to hear, she wants to hear the words which could satisfied her mother heart.

"Let's sit" he motioned towards the metal benches, she nodded and both settled down onto it


It's been half an hour but still no doctor or even a nurse came out of the room to let them know what's happened with the boy

Mrs Jeon was sitting with open emotionless eyes, her head resting on Taehyung's shoulder, both drowned in their own thoughts

Taehyung  felt like crying but he just couldn't make it why? Why he was feeling like crying his heart out? Why he wants to yell and wail his heart out? It's not like Jungkook means anything to him. Right? Jungkook is not even his friend. The every emotion he is feeling it might because of humanity and it might be the effect of mrs Jeon's words right? He might feeling overwhelmed because of it. Yeah this could be the case

He clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists, determined not to cry. He couldn't allow himself to break down for a stranger he had met only once or twice. Taehyung struggled to compose himself, when he looked at Mrs. Jeon, he noticed she is just sitting emotionless.

As taehyung was about to say something to Mrs Jeon, Doctor come outside. They both noticed it and hurriedly got up from bench and rushed towards doctor. "How's my son doctor? He is alright, right?" Mrs. Jeon asked as a sudden rush of hope ran in her once emotionless eyes

"Mr. Jeon is fine. He is out of danger. He is alright physically.. but..." The doctor paused while Mrs. Jeon and Taehyung looked at him impatiently.

"But what doctors?" Taehyung asked nervously, praying for Jungkook to alright.

"But his condition is telling he might be suffering some depression, he needs mental support, please take care of him, this minor unconscious could lead to lifetime coma, we have no idea from how long he is suffering internally, please don't talk about it with him, this could made him feel extremely distress, try to be as natural as possible and help him in his happiness." The doctor completed his sentence feeling a bit sad for the patient, but of course he had faced more traumatized cases so this was nothing for him

Taehyung and Mrs. Jeon were standing bewildered no words were coming from their mouth, Taehyung was in space to say anything while Mrs Jeon was too stunned to say anything

"He is unconscious and under observation right now. If you want then one person can meet him at a time, but.. after he gain his consciousness ." Doctor continued and went from there leaving the other two in shock with a empathetic look.

More tears began to rolled down on Mrs. Jeon's cheeks. She stumbled on her place but Taehyung quickly held her and made her sit on the bench. She closed her eyes tightly and cried hysterically.

'This is all because of me. It's all my fault. I couldn't take care of my only son. What kind of mother I am. I didn't take care of him ever, I always forced my decisions on him. I never once asked about what 'he' wants to do. I failed to become a better mother for him. I didn't ever give him my attention, my love, my care. My son is suffering from depression just because of me. I'm not a good mother.'  she thought while crying her heart out.

Tears were escaping from taehyung's eyes too. He is not able to believe that the Jungkook he had seen in the alley, at his father's shop, and in the park was looking all healthy, fit and fine when in reality he was going through depression and mental distress.

Stay healthy!♥

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