Chapter 3

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I say "we're not done with this conversation, Ace."

Ace rolls his eyes and sarcastically laughs.

Blaire throws her ball down the lane, and she only misses one pin.

Ace says "now Blaire is cheating!"

I say "no, because she missed a pin. If she was cheating she would've gotten all the pins."

Finn says "crap, she figured out how to cheat the right way."

Blaire says "Finn I didn't cheat!"

Ace says "or so you say..."

Blaire says "I swear to god Ace, I will slap you."

Finn says "you're only mad because he's right."

I say "alright, next person caught cheating is gonna get slapped."

Blaire says "thank you!"

I laugh and take my turn. I miss three pins.

Ace says "now that's cheating done right."

I turn to him and say "I will slap you."

He says "sure you would."

I say "I kicked Finn between the legs last week, I can slap you across the face."

Blaire says "why'd you kick Finn in the private place?"

I say "I thought he was a kidnapper!"

Finn winces at the memory of being kicked.

I say "Finn, I apologized like seven times. I don't know what else you expect me to do."

He says "can't a memory just hurt, Nov?"

I say "memories shouldn't cause physical pain."

He sighs and says "whatever."

I laugh and we all continue to bowl for the next couple of hours. Before we know it, it's 10:45. Which was logical, because we left my house at 7:00, and left Burger King at 8:00.

Blaire says "it's too late to go out and do anything at this point, let's just walk around."

Everyone nods, and we start walking.

After about ten minutes, Finn says "hey Nova, wanna try telekinesis?"

I say "Finn we've gone over this there isn't a way for me to get half your power."

He laughs and says "not what I meant."

Blaire says "how could she try it?"

Ace says "dude, it's impossible."

Finn says "Nova, come here."

I walk over to him, and he puts out his hand. He says "grab my hand, okay?"

I look at him for a minute.

Ace says "are you just trying to get her to hold her hand? Are you saying that you've got a little crush on Nova?"

Finn says "Nova just grab the hand. Trust me, okay?"

I slowly nod and grab his hand.

Again, just friends.

He points his index finger and says "point to what you wanna move, and move it in the direction you wanna move it. Just make sure to use the hand that I'm holding."

I nod and point to a sign on a lawn. I slowly move our hands left and right, and the sign starts to sway. I move our hands all the way to the left, and the sign goes flying.

Left for Dead (book 1 in the Super Nova series)Where stories live. Discover now