Chapter 9

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Okay, so Dexter isn't as nice as he seemed at first.

Cecily nods and says "should I put her in the dungeon?"

Dexter nods.

So, apparently this place has a dungeon. Wonderful.

Cecily drags me out of the room and down a bunch of steps, until we reach what was obviously the dungeons. It was dark and cold. Ironic, because in a few hours I'd see nothing but bright fire and it'd be burning hot. And, it smelled like dead fish. Basically, it was horrible. And worst of all, I was still hungry.

Cecily took off my handcuffs, finally. But then I was chained to the wall.

I sigh and sit against the wall, waiting for sunrise. Yeah, I knew it was going to hurt. A lot. But it was for the good of my friends and family, so I'd do it.

A few hours later, through a tiny little window at the top of the room, I could see the first hint of dawn. The door opens a minute later, and Cecily comes down. She unchains me from the wall and says "can I trust you not to run away if I don't handcuff you?"

I nod.

She says "okay, then I'll trust you."

Finally, I didn't have to be chained up for the first time in hours. I rub my wrists, where there were marks from the handcuffs and the wall-chain.

She says "I'm surprised about how calm you seem."

I say "trust me, I'm horrified."

She says "I would be too, if it were me. You're handling this better than I would. I'd be kicking and screaming."

I sigh and say "if it's for the good of my friends and family then I fully understand it."

She nods and says "you seem like a nice kid. So I'm gonna give you a tip. This is gonna hurt. A lot. When you see the light, run towards it as fast as you can, and the pain will go away."

I nod and say "thanks."

She nods and pulls me up the stairs. When we reach the front door, she pushes it open. And I'm horrified by what I see next.

A single pole in the ground. Just an ordinary metal pole. And Dexter was there, holding a torch. There was someone else right beside him, holding a rope. But the most horrific thing was the circle of people surrounding the area, all staring at me eagerly. As if they wanted this to happen to me. It was horrifying and disgusting. They looked as if this was entertaining.

Cecily brought me over to the pole, and I was tied to it. My hands above my head, my legs tied to the bottom.

Dexter says "we are gathered today to witness a burning. Nova has been sentenced to death on account of being an Impota. She shall now be burned."

He walked towards me, holding out the torch.

People started chanting "burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!"

It made me absolutely sick.

Dexter was literally a foot away from me now. He extends the torch towards me, and then something amazing happens.

Left for Dead (book 1 in the Super Nova series)Where stories live. Discover now