Chapter XXI

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Trigger warning: There's a heavy scene in this chapter which contains not only self-harm, but it's also kind of gory with blood and mentions of puking. If you'd rather skip this part, the scene starts at [A piercing scream escaped Marinette's lips] and is safe to read again at [It was a small container...].


Marinette rushed into the alley just in time, her transformation fading away the moment she was out of sight. She let out a frustrated sigh, closing her eyes and pressing her head against the cool brick wall as the pain surged through her body. It had been so nice to be free of it for a moment. To move freely without the need to take some kind of medication. It had been nice to just ... be. It had given her a precious taste of her old normalcy, but now, the pain had returned with a vengeance. She winced, realizing that she was long overdue for her pills. Her muttered curses echoed in the narrow alley.

"Are you alright?" Duusu's concerned voice filled her thoughts as the kwami hovered nearby.

"I'm fine," Marinette replied through clenched teeth. "I'm sorry, I don't... I don't have any food with me. I didn't think about it, and I don't know what to do, I—"

"It's okay!" Duusu interjected, stopping Marinette from spiralling. "We can find a place with food. I do have a preference for almonds, but I'll settle for anything!"

Marinette managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Duusu. Let's find you some almonds, then. We need to hurry, though, Chat is waiting for us."

Together, they hurried through the alley and emerged onto an empty street. Marinette's limbs screamed in protest as she sprinted toward the nearest restaurant. The place was cozy, adorned with lush plants trailing along the walls, and every table was filled with half-eaten meals, which had been abandoned by fleeing customers and staff.

"This is perfect!" Duusu exclaimed, diving headfirst into a bostock pastry.

Marinette nodded, her gaze darting to the windows as she paced anxiously while Duusu devoured the food. She couldn't see the ongoing battle, but she could hear it—the clashing of Chat Noir's baton against Hawkmoth's cane, their screams of rage. It was horrible on its own, but knowing that they were actually father and son...

Marinette's phone began to ring. She initially ignored it, assuming it might be a client calling from Los Angeles, but when it rang a second time, she cursed under her breath. Retrieving it from her pocket, she glanced at the Caller ID and froze.

Dr. Duchaine.

What the hell?

"What's going on? I don't have much time," Marinette snapped as she answered.

"Don't hang up! I know where your earrings are!" Nathalie's urgent voice came through the phone.

Marinette's mouth fell open in shock. Duusu, who had finished eating, stared at her, her eyes full of unspoken questions.

"I'm ready to go," she told her.

"Where?" Marinette asked Nathalie eagerly, her mind racing with possibilities.

She could save them all. She could bring back Pegasus, Polymouse, Minotaurox, King Monkey, and all the civilians who had been killed. She could heal the damages caused by Hawkmoth's acts. She could prevent them all from suffering the same fate she'd been the victim of. Her heart started pounding in her chest. She could...

"They're inside of you," Nathalie said, interrupting her train of thought.

There was a beat of silence, and then, "Excuse me?" she whispered, her heart skipping a beat.

What? Tikki echoed in her mind.

"I found Lila hiding at James Turner's place. We, uh, talked, and she ultimately told me the truth. Gabriel and her have hidden the earrings inside of you. So, if Tikki ever came out, they just had to ...," Nathalie trailed off, hesitating.

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