Chapter X

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"Are you serious?" Victoria asked, incredulous. She passed a hand through her hair before folding her arms over her chest, her face a mix of frustration and disappointment. "You just got here!"

Dylan sighed. "I know, love, I'm sorry," he said, his hands finding her waist and pulling her gently to him. "I'm just really tired, and I don't feel like it anymore. Maybe we could go home, just the two of us. What do you think?"

She glanced back behind her, where she could see the lights coming from the club. They seemed to promise laughter, dancing and excitement; everything she craved. She didn't want to leave, not yet anyway. The night was just getting started!

Victoria had been so happy to finally be able to let loose and to have fun, especially with new people, ones who didn't know her better than herself. And Alya and Nino had both been a blessing in disguise, so warm and welcoming. It was nice to talk and dance with them. For a moment, she even thought that she could finally have a conversation with Adrien! But then, Dylan had texted her. At first, she figured that the night could only be better with him there, but instead, the moment she met him outside, she knew the party was over.

It was a shame, really, but she kind of wished he hadn't come. Not that she wasn't happy to see him, of course, but she didn't want to go home just to have sex and then sleep. This was not the night she had planned! She wanted to break the routine, do something else for once. But reality had a firm grip on her. Just like her nightmares, it was impossible to run away from the monotony of her life. There was no escape.

I should just play along, she thought. He does so much for me.

Really, how could she say no when Dylan had sacrificed so much for her? Agreeing to this was nothing compared to everything he did. Such a small price to pay. Maybe, if she tried to accept her life instead of praying for a change, it wouldn't be so hard. Lila always reminded her that she was the luckiest girl in the world; a loving boyfriend, good friends, money, a job she liked. What more could she ask for? She might not have a real family, or even memories older than a couple of years old, but instead of focusing on everything she didn't have, maybe she could be grateful for everything she did have.

"OK, yeah, let's go," she relented with a small smile. "It's a good idea."

"Thank you," Dylan whispered as he leaned in to kiss her.

Victoria closed her eyes, but just as their lips were about to meet, there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. She opened her eyes, confused, only to see that Dylan was frozen, his attention fixed on something over her shoulder.

"Babe?" she asked as she turned around, only to be greeted with Alya, Nino and Adrien standing a few feet behind her. She raised her hand to wave at them, but the expression on Adrien's face stopped her mid-motion.

The whole night, she had been blown away by him. Of course, when they first met, her mind had been preoccupied with something else; namely, their reaction to her own appearance. But tonight, now that she had had the chance to really look at him, she had fully realized how handsome he was. Oh, and what a sight he was. His blond hair was styled in a dishevelled way, a snug black shirt highlighted his well-defined muscles and his dark pants perfectly contoured some ... interesting parts of his.

Needless to say, he had had quite the effect on her.

The moment they entered the club, walking side by side, Victoria felt like combusting. She could feel a spark of electricity whenever their skin accidentally brushed, and it was almost a relief when the crowd pushed them apart. Yet, the second he was away, she started yearning for his touch. She desperately wanted him near her, needed him to touch her. It was coming out of nowhere and truly frightening.

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