Chapter XII

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Dylan shifted uneasily in his seat, his attention everywhere but on the movie. It seemed to be playing on for an eternity and with every passing minute, his anxiety grew bigger. The only thing he wanted was to take Victoria and lock her in their room, away from Adrien freaking Agreste and his dumbass friends. Only then, once she was away from their prying eyes, would he feel more at ease.

And maybe with her mouth wrapped around him. Yeah, that would do, too.

He'd been exchanging worried looks with Lila all throughout the movie. They had to figure out if the others knew, but how? The possibility loomed in his mind, and the implications of being discovered were terrifying. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Victoria; she was everything to him.

Speaking of, he glanced at the girl in his arms. She seemed to be completely engrossed in the film, her gaze fixed on the screen with an almost eerie intensity. She hadn't spoken, hadn't even moved since the movie started. It was odd, coming from her, but Dylan didn't have time to dwell on it. Right now, he had bigger things to worry about. He had to make sure that they didn't suspect anything. With a sigh, he kissed the top of Victoria's head while staring straight at Adrien.

C'mon, men, look at us. Look at me kissing her, cuddling her, touching her. You know I'm the one who fucks her now. Doesn't that make you angry? Do something. React.

And boy did Adrien wanted to react. Just knowing that Marinette was right beside him yet completely out of reach being shown love by another was... It was excruciating. His heart clenched painfully and there was nothing he wanted more than to grab her and whisk her away from this place. He yearned to take her to safety, away from the clutches of those who had hurt her. Away from Dylan, who was seconds away from getting his face wrecked. Yet, Adrien forced himself to remain motionless, maintaining his focus on the television screen, encouraged by Plagg.

"Calm down, don't react. You can't screw it all up," Plagg whispered, his voice barely audible.

Adrien clenched his hands into tight fists, the sensation of his nails digging into his palms grounding him.

"I love you," Dylan whispered softly in Victoria's hair, making sure Adrien could hear him.

"I love—" Victoria began, but she was interrupted by a sudden yelp from Dylan.

"Ouch, what the fuck was that?" he exclaimed, standing up and shaking his hand.

"Baby, are you okay?"

"I don't know, it's like I got bitten or something. Fuck, it hurts!"

For a brief moment, Adrien was confused, but then realization struck him. He stifled a sudden laugh, covering it with a cough, glancing at Nino and Alya who were also struggling to hide their amusement. Oh, yeah, Dylan had most probably been biting.

While the girl he loved was fussing over her boyfriend and getting some ice from the kitchen, Adrien subtly looked inside his black overshirt. There, concealed from prying eyes, was a little mischievous kwami who simply winked at his chosen. Even though Adrien couldn't react the way he wanted yet, one thing was certain: Plagg wouldn't let anyone mess with his kitten. For that, Adrien silently promised to buy him the finest and most expensive cheese he could find once everything was resolved.

Despite her best efforts to stay awake, sleep had claimed Alya without warning the second she had sat down on the bed. The events of the day—hell, of the week—had left her physically and emotionally drained. How could it not?

Her eyelids felt heavy as she blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. Nino was beside her, snoring, while Adrien was on the small couch, his eyes fixated on the ceiling. Clearly, he had some trouble sleeping, too. But who could blame him? It couldn't be easy, knowing that the love of your life, who had been dead for years, was asleep in the next room, not remembering who you were. Anyone would have insomnia over it.

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