How it happened.

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Hey! I can honestly say there is deep stuff in this!
⚠️Mentions of rape
Drug/alcohol abuse

Audrey awoke to a cold shiver running down her spine, checking the clock she saw that it was 5:30am. Her car hadn't had working heat for a long time and the middle of December was not a good month to not have heat.

She figured she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so she got herself up and ready for work. The strip club opened at 6am for workers, and even though her shift started at 8am, she could help out around.

As her foot hit the frosty pavement of the parking garage, another shiver was sent through her body, giving goosebumps from her toes to her head. Hoping to find some nice clean clothes, she dug through the pile on the backseat. Pulling out a short, skimpy dress, she decided it would do with some thicker leggings and a zip up hoodie. She wore the same one almost everyday. It was just a simple brown and black striped zip up with her baby sisters initials writing in small lettering on her right side.

Lilly Dundruff was found dead on July 18th in the woods east from Audrey's home. It was her 17th birthday, and she was so excited to spend it with Lilly and her mother. Audrey only wanted a cake this birthday, a vanilla one, not too big but just enough for her to share it with her family. Audrey slowly creeped over to Lillys mattress and shook her awake. "Lilly! Guess who's birthday it is!" Audrey yelled, not caring about her baby sister just waking up.

"Nnnn, I dunnnoooo, mwine?" Lilly said, sleepiness laced in her words. "No silly, you turned 7 almost 3 months ago, its my birthday! I'm 17!" Audrey practically yelled. Lilly shot up in less then a second and jumped onto her big sister. "Yay sissy! Im so happy! Lets go see mommy." Lilly pulled Audrey to her mothers room right across the hall and pushed the door open. "Mommy, Mommy! Mommy?" Lilly questioned. Audrey looked at where her mother was supposed to be awake by now.

"Mom? Hey Lilly, how about you go and make me something yummy for my birthday, okay?" Lilly jumped up and nodded her head. Running out the door like the crazy little girl she was. "Mom, wake up, its my birthday, im 17." Audrey said, panic dripping from her voice. "Mom, this isn't funny." Audrey turned her head to see at least a dozen wine bottles thrown on the floor and an empty pill bottle right next to them.

Audrey started shaking her mother like crazy, giving her chest compressions and no doubt breaking her ribs, trying her hardest to give her mouth to mouth, praying to whatever god there was that this was some sick joke. Her mother cant be dead. This isn't happening. Audrey's head was spinning in circles. She was going to throw up.

"Sissy! Sissy, I made you toa-" Lilly stopped in her tracks, water glass and plate falling on the floor, smashing into hundreds of unfixable pieces. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! What are you doing Sissy! You are hurting her!" Audrey's head snapped back, tears falling freely down her face. "Im not fucking hurting her kid! She is already dead!" Audrey froze. She had never ever yelled at her sister before. Stopping all movements on her mother, she got up and ran to the frozen, crying baby in front of her.

"Oh baby im so sorry, I didn't mean to yell." Lilly was bawling in her sisters arms. Audrey felt numb. Yet her ears pricked up, through the crying of her sister and her own breath, there wasn't a sound in the home. A door creaking open caught both sisters off guard. Audrey got up and ran to see who it was but froze as she saw her own father. The one that ruined her life, her mothers life, and her sisters life. "Get out! Get out get out get out!" Audrey screamed and yelled at the man before her. But he just picked her up and slapped her ass like it was nothing. "Don't ever talk to me like that again, unless you want me to do you again, child." He spat. "Happy birthday." He dropped the women to the ground.

"She's dead." Audrey croaked out, her voice was hoarse, and broken. Her fathers head snapped back. "What? Who?" Lilly was standing right in front of her father, in a ball crying silently. "Our mother is dead. Go check for yourself." He ran through the house, slamming into her room. "What the fuck! You owed me money you fucking bitch! Whore, slut!"

Her father came running back out, picking up Lilly by her collar and throwing her against the wall. "Lilly!" She didn't answer, she was knocked out cold. "Shut it bitch! This will be my pay."

He took Lilly outside and into his truck. Audrey ran behind them, yelling at her father to put her down and take herself instead. But he wouldn't listen, knocking Audrey out instead.

Audrey woke up on a sidewalk, in a place she had never been. Getting up, wondering where the hell she was, she walked, and walked, and walked and walked until she found a tv store, playing all sorts of shows, sports, animals, cooking, you name it. She walked into the store, seeing that it was playing the news, she went to see it.

"Girl found dead in Gamit forest. Name, Lilly Dundruff. Age, 7. Tragedy." Audrey left the building, throwing up and once again, passing out.

Thanks for reading:)
Words in story- 926
Words in general- 956

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