Chapter One - Cam

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 "You want to what?" I asked incredulously. Thinking that I hadn't heard her correctly.

"I want to send a photographer with you for a couple of weeks to get some candid shots of part of the tour." replied our agent, Emily Ballard, without skipping a beat. I had a fair idea that she knew I wasn't going to be happy about this, not that she ever gave much of a toss about what I was happy about, which in all honesty, wasn't much.

"What the hell for?" asked Seth Whittaker, my best mate and the bass guitarist of our band, Freight Train. He seemed as impressed as I was with the idea. He was lounging on one of the plush office chairs across from Emily. He was a few inches shorter than me, but his thin frame made him appear taller than he was. He ran a hand roughly through his already spiked, dirty blonde hair and narrowed his light blue eyes at the woman across the desk from him.

"You guys have been around for a few years now, so I think it's about time we put a biography out. The fans would love it."

"I don't give a toss about what the fans would love. It's not about the fans, it's about the music Em." I stood up from my chair and starting pacing Emily's office. I was starting to get riled up now, though I wasn't usually anything else.

"You're a damn liar Cam." laughed Edward Roche, our drummer. I turned and glared at him. His hazel eyes were smiling at me, but he was standing with his arms across the expanse of his chest, in a no nonsense fashion. The air conditioner above him blew one of his brown curls into his face and he brushed it away offhandedly. "It used to be about the music man, but you're getting too caught up in all the perks, you've lost sight of what we wanted to do, what happened to 'fuck what everyone thinks, we are doing this for us'?!"

"No money without the fans man." piped up Theodore Hart, lead guitarist. He was the tallest and largest out of all of us. That mixed with his dark brown skin always drew him a lot of attention, but his soulful brown eyes, smooth black hair and affectionate nature is what got him all the ass he wanted.

"I don't give a rats ass about the money! I'd be happy playing for beer tokens back at Ricks. Don't believe me? Take my credit card. I don't bloody need it!"

"You're such a freaking Aussie." mumbled Theo.

"No shit Sherlock." I retorted, but I knew he didn't mean it in a lousy way. I glared them down and they skulked under my intense gaze. When my gaze reached Seth, he threw his hands up in defence.

"Don't glare at me Farley! I'm with you man. I think it's an awful idea!"


"Shut up Eddie." Seth responded as he slapped his band mate across the back of the head. Eddie growled in pain. "Would you morons give it a rest please!" Grumbled Emily. I couldn't help but smile at her irritation. She looked at Eddie and Theo. "What about you two? Do you agree with these two stubborn assholes?" I laughed out loud and saw Seth smirk.

"Without those two assholes, we wouldn't be where we are today, Em. They started Freight Train. Sorry, but yeah, I'm with them." I nodded at the big African American who I thought of like a brother, with a sly grin. I knew Theo would side with us even if he didn't agree. He wasn't one for confrontations. Emily looked pointedly at Eddie, who just shrugged. He knew he was out-numbered.

"Well guess what!" Emily said with a big smile. "You don't have a choice. I was just trying to be nice letting you choose, but since you chose wrong, now I can be a bitch."

"You were being something else?" I laughed from where I'd stopped pacing near the huge window over-looking the busy streets of Los Angeles below us. She poked her tongue out at me which made me laugh even harder.

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