Courtney [Angst]

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This request comes from: JudithWatkin24

Now for the angst...

Courtney sat on her bed, laughing as she talked with her gc over messages. She heard her mom walk towards her room, and closed her computer.

Her mom opened the door sat on the bed and said;

"We need to find a better way for you to keep up with doing the dishes." Courtney nodded and her mom continue "Whether a time limit or something else you tell me."

"I'm not sure." Courtney said, expecting this to be a very low-key conversation, but unfortunately it wasn't.

"Because it's the only thing I ask of you. I don't understand why you can't do just one thing." This caused Courtney to burst into tears. She had been completely wrapped up in the books she was reading and her friends that she had completely forgotten about her chores!

"I-I don't know." she said, trembling

"Because if you don't, I'm going to take away your computer and phone when you get home."

Courtney nodded, mentally running through how her day were to go if that would happen.

"I-I maybe a time limit works best. I don't know. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. And why are there clothes on the ground?"

Already high-strung, Courtney jumped up off her bed screaming "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" as tears streamed down her face.

"Stop. Screaming." her mom said "I just don't understand, how I do all your launry for you. Four steps out of five. And you can't even put them up."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Courtney screamed

"Stop apologizing, you've apologized nine times after I asked you to stop."

Courtney stood there, repressing her apologies as her mom stood up.

"I'm g-going to put my clothes up now."

"Cool, now why are you crying."

Courtney nearly exploded in a fit of rage at the fact that her mother, who was screaming at her couldn't see why she was crying.

She just hugged her mother back and tried not to cry. She forgot most of what happened after that, but her mother left.

Courtney put up her clothes, mumbling about how ridiculous her mom was. She then put up the dishes and walked back upstairs.

She opened up the group chat, realizing she missed a conversation. She turned back to her book and thought about how stupid she was. How she didn't deserve to be here, about how her parents would be much better off without her.

She almost cried, but she picked up her phone to text the most bone-dry texter in the world. Her comfort person, and her crush.

She sent a random follow-up to another text he hadn't replied to, and then set her phone back down. Feeling better that she had texted him. Even if he wouldn't reply.

[439 words] Hope you guys liked the angst!

How would you feel if I told you this was a slightly altered version of what happened with me and my mom today 🥰

Feel free to leave any requests below!

TDI One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora