Trent x Justin

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Another request! This one comes from BootyEater8000 (loving the name 🥰)

They asked for trustin fluff and they shall receive! (I slightly altered their request so...)
AU: Trent and Justin are dating and Justin is looking forward to receiving his next modeling contract!

Justin sat on the edge of his seat, he was waiting for the call-back to be in a new perfume commercial. He had practiced his lines so many times, they were playing in his head 24/7




"McLean, the fragrance."

His boyfriend, a musician named Trent, walked into the room carrying two mugs of tea. (I can't figure out a way to put this in the story but Trent's a coffee connoisseur, but Justin hates coffee so Trent always makes them tea)

"Have you gotten the conformation yet?" he asked

Justin shook his head, and Trent grabbed his hands and clasped them together.

"It's ok babe" he reassured "Even if you don't get the job, which you will, it's ok. We've always got my teaching salary to back us up." (L get rekt.)

Just as Justin was about to say something, his phone lit up with an email notification. He scrambled to pick it up from the arm of the couch.

He opened the email and read:

"Dear Mr. Kanoa,"

"We regret to inform you that you have not been called back for "McLean the Fragrance" auditions"

"We apologize for bringing such news and hope you have a wonderful day,"

"Sincerely, Quentin Smith"

Justin sat there in shock, he couldn't believe he had gotten rejected. He had done so well, or at least he thought he had.

"Are you ok, babe." Trent asked

Justin just shook his head, he was trying not to talk because if he did he would start crying. (This wasn't supposed to be angsty wtf 💀)

"Hey, it's ok." Trent said

"I keep getting turned down Trent." Justin said "Is it because I'm not hot anymore? Do I not fit the industry standards?"

"Trust me, you are hot babe" Trent said, trying to reassure his boyfriend

"Well, of course you would say that. We're dating."

"Well, yeah. But and I mean no offense by this, I wouldn't date anybody who's ugly."

"So, you're only dating me for my looks?" Justin said jokingly

"Mmhhm, definitely." Trent said, leaning in to kiss his partner

[364 words] Umm, so I don't like this...

Maybe you do??

I don't really know, I had an idea for this but it really went off the rails.

I promise the other requests I'm going to write, won't be this bad lol.

Feel free to leave a request in the comments, I'll try my best to write it lol

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