Brody x Geoff

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Geoff: Hey dude
Brody: Yeah bro?
Geoff: I got something I need to take off of my chest
Brody: You do?
Geoff: Hey dude. We've been best friends for a really long time now
Brody: Yeah dude
Geoff: And there's something I need you to know
Brody: Okay.
Geoff: Remember that time we were surfing. And I almost drowned. And you dragged me to the beach. And performed CPR? Well, no homo. But that's the day I fell in love with you. No homo. But that's the day I knew you were mine. Looking into your eyes. Made me realize. No homo. But you're lips touching mine. Changed my life.
Brody: Bro! Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Geoff: Yeah, I think so
Brody: Yeah dude. I totally get what you're saying
Geoff: You do?
Brody: I've been wanting to tell you for so long
Geoff: You feel the same way, too?
Brody: Remember that time at Disney World. When I ate that giant turkey leg
Geoff: Yeah!
Brody: And I started choking. Until you came along
Geoff: Yeah, I came
Brody: No homo. But that's the day I fell in love with you 
Geoff: We're so not gay 
Brody: No homo. But that's the day I knew we were right. You're body pressed into mine. Somehow didn't cross the line
Geoff: Why would it have?
Brody: No homo. But that day changed my life 
The outside world might see us as gay. But bro, we swear we're not. We're just two bros chilling out and I think you're really
Geoff: hot-a
Brody: awesome. 
Brody: Hold on, wait, go back, what was that?
Geoff: Eh- What... Um... I'm... Doing the robot-a?
Brody: I didn-I didn't, what? I didn't hear you
Geoff: I'm gonna smoke some pot-a.
Brody: That's cool
Brody: Snuggling with you under the covers. No homo
Geoff: Spooning with you just like we're lovers. No homo
Brody: Our lips touch for a minute or two, but. No homo
Geoff: It's okay with me if it's okay with you

Brody: It totally is
Both:No homo. But let's find an apartment together. No homo, let's save money by sharing a bed. Looking into your eyes. Made me realize. That I love you more than you could ever know. My bro
Both: No homo

[352 words] Decided to share one of my fav songs with you guys!!

Comment if u want more of this style of oneshot, also sorry if this is formatted weirdly lol

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