Izzy x Eva

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Eva's girlfriend had left and gone off on a trip around the world. Eva had gotten fired from her personal training job and Izzy was still unemployed. When they were reunited with the old Total Drama cast she had gone off to find help, meaning she couldn't compete. She was happy about that but not that Izzy was gone. Especially with that oaf, Owen. They had dated in season 1 and Owen still had feelings. They showrunners even paid Izzy to fake-date Owen during the season, though she was treating him horribly.

The competitors were in Jamaica and a plane had landed on Owen and Izzy. Blaineley had sent in some fake military guys to retrieve Izzy. She had finally started to show her true genius. Eva was proud, but worried. Would Izzy be ok. A WHOLE ASS PLANE LANDED ON HER. Eva had tried to get to Izzy when the "military guys" brought her back but Izzy was recovering.

The show was running a telethon on this aftermath episode. Eva had done some (paid) reporting for them and now she was waiting for some stupid fans call to donate money to the show, while Geoff and Bridgette were singing some dumb song.

They finally brought Izzy out and she was doing a trivia wheel. While she was spinning and answering, Eva was nervously staring. Izzy winked at her and she suddenly became crazy again. She blew up the studio and had started running around and picking up random pieces of glass.

"Evaa. Eva. Look! I got you glass. It's orange and pink, just like us!" Izzy said

"Come here." Eva said, grabbing Izzy's hand and pulling her in. "I missed you."

They kissed. Eva closed her eyes and breathed in Izzy's smell of burnt hair and cinnamon. She smiled knowing that the two would be there forever. Two pieces of glass weathering an explosion.

[309 words] I hope you liked this oneshot. Comment one of your ships and I'll try and write a oneshot for them!

Love you all! 🥰

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