Geoff x Brody x Bridgette

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Just a quick note. I know next to nothing about polycules so sorry about that, but I hope you like this one shot!! Also there's just one lil' quick reference to doing the devils' tango fyi

It had been five years since Bridgette or Geoff had participated in anything Total Drama related  when one random Tuesday, Geoff got an email asking him to participate in a new season of Total Drama. This time, though, it was going to be a race around the world. The email also asked him to bring a friend to be the second half to his team, they assumed it to be Bridgette, but unfortunately he and Bridgette had a huge fight. She was teaching some guy named Lightning to surf, when he hit on her. Geoff had made a comment similar "Hopefully you won't cheat on me again." This had really pissed Bridgette off and they hadn't talked since, even though they shared an apartment. Because of all this Geoff decided to call his bud Brody, who he owned a surf shop with, to ask him to participate in the race with him.

Throughout the race Brody and Geoff's relationship grew stronger and when they got brought back into the race they knew they could win it! They even made it to the final two, but they lost to Brody's situationship and her girlfriend. That night they were sleeping in the hotel bed (yes. Bed. since the producers thought Geoff was bringing Bridgette, all the hotels they booked had one bed), when Brody turned to face Geoff and said "Hey man. I know we've gotten to be better friends through this race, but I was hoping we could be more than that. Like boyfriends. I know you're dating Bridgette and all, so sorry for springing this on you dude, but I just needed to tell you." and then he rolled over and went to sleep. Geoff couldn't believe he fell asleep so easily. If he had just told his best friend he was in love with him. He would be a bundle of mess and feelings, but he drifted off right before the alarm rang...

Brody immediately sprung up, regretting all he said the night before but he decided not to bring it up and make things more awkward. He and Geoff started packing all their things. His tank tops and bracelets. Geoff's button ups and hat glue. This whole time Geoff was distracted, thinking about the night before. So distracted he almost forgot his hat, but Brody reminded him. When they were on the plane Geoff could see how nervous and anxious Brody was, and remembered his flight anxiety. So Geoff picked up the hand gripping the arm rest and held it for the remainder of the flight.

When they landed Brody hailed a cab to his apartment and Geoff waited for his ride. It pulled up and Geoff put his suitcase in the trunk, then sat in the backseat of DJ's car. Momma had expressly forbid anyone being DJ's passenger princess except for her. "Thanks for picking me up, man." Geoff said. "No, problem." DJ replied and turned up the radio to Taylor Swift's Cruel Summer. Man, that song was very accurate. When he got home Leshawna was just leaving "Oh hey Leshawna."

"Hey dude, what's good?" she said

"Hey Bridge." Geoff said sitting down on the edge of the bed "Listen, I'm so-" he was interrupted by Bridgette "No, it was my fault. I felt so bad for cheating on you with Alejandro that I was in defensive mode. It was totally not your fault. Now come here" That night they did the nasty. And Geoff couldn't help but think about Brody. He felt bad for not saying anything to Brody in the morning, but what would he have said?

When Geoff woke up the next morning Bridgette was grabbing her keys, getting ready to leave for work. "Hey Bridgy-Bear. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something." said Geoff. "Yeah, what do you need." Bridgette asked, concerned. Normally Geoff never talked to her before she left for work, mostly because he was asleep, but still. "That last night, before the flight home. Brody told me that he was kinda in love with me. I didn't say anything, but last night I was thinking I'd really like to take him on a date and see how a romantic relationship would go with him." Geoff said trying to communicate all his feelings. " do realize you're dating me, right?" Bridgette asked. "Yeah, but I was thinking that I could date both of you. If you're ok with that of course!" Geoff clarified.

"Well I'd have to think about, but I'd be ok with that. You should probably talk to Brody as well. Thanks for telling me, but I gotta head to work. Love you babe." Bridgette said, heading out the door. That day at work Bridgette did think about it. And she came up with the conclusion that she is totally ok with her boyfriend dating her and Brody at the same time. And when she came home she saw Brody and Geoff talking on the bed. "Hey guys." she said "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "You're not" Brody said, scrambling off the bed.

"We were talking and Brody's fine with me dating you and him." said Geoff. Bridgette responded with "And I'm ok with you dating Brody and me! We just need some communication to make this work"

"No problem." said Brody "I already made us a little group chat." Bridgette took her phone and saw that he had indeed made a group chat and titled it "Surfer Dudes and Dudette" she laughed to herself. He was so funny. "Oh Brody, are we still up for next Wednesday?" Next Wednesday Brody was supposed to help Bridgette take some kids out surfing. "Yeah, of course."

~Time Jump~

It was Wednesday and Brody had just walked over to Bridgette's little surfing stand and introduced himself to the kids. He was helping a couple into the water when Bridgette started to think. Huh, I get why Geoff likes him, he's so sweet, kind and so nice. I mean who wouldn't like him. That's when Brody came over to her and asked "Hey, Bridg-y I was thinking about taking Geoff out tonight. Are you good with that?"

Bridg-y. She loved when people called her pet names, then she realized Brody had actually asked her something. "Huh? Og yeah. I'm good with that. I'll tell him when I get home."

"Thanks, dude." he said.

That night, Geoff was waiting anxiously. It was his second date with Brody, and the first one hadn't gone too well. They got yelled at by some dude and then the paparazzi trailed them for a good 30 minutes before they lost them. So this was their do-over. They heard a knock on the door and Geoff went to open it. "Hey man." Brody said "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, totally." Geoff said, they were just about to leave when Bridgette stopped the. "Umm, guys. I was wondering if I could talk to you both, really quickly."

"Yeah what's up?" they both asked. They were holding hands. "So, I figured out that I would actually like to date Brody as well. He's just so sweet and nice. And I'm sorry if that messes up you guys' relationship, but I just needed to tell you." Bridgette confessed

"Well, actually. I was thinking about asking you out, as well as Geoff." said Brody "It took me years to get up the courage to tell Geoff I was in love with him. So it's nice that you brought it up."

"So I guess we're a throuple now." said Geoff "Do you guys just wanna order in, tonight?"


That night, they fell asleep in a tangle of limbs and when Bridgette and Geoff woke up they saw breakfast prepared for them. Eggs and bacon for Geoff and Brody. Avocado toast for Bridgette.

"Thanks man, you didn't have to do this." said Geoff "Nah, I love doing stuff for my people. Plus we could all have a little breakfast date." replied Brody "Ooh wait." and he pulled out his phone. Geoff and Bridgette's phones buzzed, and they took them out to see a notification saying "Brody has changed the group chat name to "Surfing the Love"

I hoped you liked this oneshot! Somebody pls suggest a better gc name!! I couldn't think of anything else!! Also if you want me to write a oneshot for your favorite td ship, just send me the ship name and a setting (eg. high school, college, *insert season here*).

Love you <3

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