The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (pt 1 😏)

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Izuku: Ryukyu! You guys came!

Ururaka: Deku! Wait.

Tsuyu: If you were here who was the Deku we just saw?

(We all know who it was)

With Toga:

Toga, Twice, and Compress are all sitting where the heroes broke threw looking down at the battlefield.

Twice: So far so good I say. But now comes the best part. This is the first time the Yakuza have let us near the kids their whole plan depends on.

Compress: Wait, they're secret weapon is two kids?

Twice: Sure is. Which means you need to go down there and grab them.

Compress: Me?

Toga: Don't be such a baby about it. Whats the worst that could happen?

Compress: Hey! I already lost an arm to that man! You want me to let him finish the job?

Twice: Your just a copy you'll be fine.

Toga: Good luck.

Toga then pushes Compress down as he falls.

Compress: Psycho's! Are you unable to think of anyone but yourselfs?

Ryukyu: The League Of Villains?

Tsuyu: Uravity look!

Ochaco: Nighteye!

Izuku: Take care of him! Go on!

A giant part of the floor suddenly shoots up like a cylinder as it hits Eri and Y/N as they're launched into the sky.

Izuku: Chisaki!

Overhaul: You filthy heroes screwed everything up!

Rubble falls as Overhaul shoots himself up on another Cylinder towards Eri and Y/N. Izuku jumps up after him.

Izuku: They're coming with us!

Izuku: Save them. For good this time.

Overhaul: Stubborn fool.

Suddenly a piece of Mirio's cape is spotted in the rubble by Eri and Y/N.

Eri: His cape. No enough, I don't want anyone else to die. I don't want this. Why do they keep trying?

Y/N: That guy's cape. *remembers Mirio getting stabbed*


Y/N's Mom: What have you done?

Y/N looks in-front of him, as he sees his father's body on the ground. A pool of blood surrounding it. He just stand there. Not moving an inch with wide eyes.

Y/N: He's dead. He's gone. Because of me. I am a monster. What kind of monster kills their own father?

End Of Flashback:

Mirio: I am going to be your hero. Im never going to let you down again, Eri, Y/N.

Eri and Y/N reach for the cape piece as Eri's Quirk activates. And Y/N's Quirk makes him see Mirio reaching his hand out for them instead of the cape.

Overhaul: Eri's Quirk. Its the power to Rewind. And Y/N's-

Eri touches Overhaul as his body and Nemoto's is separated, Eri than sees Izuku reaching out for her and Y/N.

Eri: These people aren't going to give up. Not until me and Y/N are safe. Even if it means they could die. I have to go back. I have to trust him.

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