Eri and Y/N, The Cursed Children.

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???: You look sad.

Y/N: Sadder than usual?

???: Ya. Are you alright?

Y/N: I'm fine Eri. Just had a bad dream.

Eri: What was it about?

Y/N: ...

Eri: Sorry! I shouldn't have asked that...

Y/N: It's fine. It's better to get it off my chest anyway. I just had a dream about my past, with my parents.

Eri: O... what's it like having parents?

Y/N: Still can't remember much about them huh?

Eri: Not really... the only thing I can really remember.. iS...

Eri then started tearing. The one thing she can remember about her parents is when she accidentally killed her father and when her mother gave her up, are pasts are very similar in that sense. However one could argue mine was worse, I had caused both my parents a lot of pain and if it wasn't for me my parents would never have had that fight in the first place. Plus, I've made most of my caretakers go insane so they decided to just pair me with Eri as she helps calm me down.

Y/N: You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Eri than scoots closer to me and I hug her, she starts silently tearing in my shoulder, she probably is trying to make it seem like she's okay so I won't worry about her. She's to sweet for her own good sometimes.

Maybe it's because are pasts are so similar but I feel like she's my sister, we understand each other and we know when we're both upset, she's honestly the only reason I haven't just killed all of the members that touch me, without her. I can't control my quirk. I still see things every once and a-while but I've developed a fear of my own quirk and I think it's reacted to that, now there more just walking shadows than anything and usually they show my past. Something however happened to my quirk while here, those shadow hallucinations once managed to actually cut a guy that grabbed my arm, a claw mark was left on his arm due to this, I've tried to do it again and Overhaul has tried to find out how I did it. But I still can't manage to do it. My quirk truly is bizarre, it's confusing and even I don't know much about it, and training it really isn't an option when I'm here.

???: Eri come on.

I see a man with a plague mask walk in with two other guys, there probably going to torture Eri again by making those bullets. She looks up scared and just holds onto me tighter, despite what they say she doesn't move from her spot and stays completely still.

???: Eri.

The guy with the plague mask makes a little movement with his hand raised in-front of him and one of the guys behind him walks up to us and pulls Eri off of me forcefully, she desperately tries to hold onto me but this man is much stronger and gets her off me.

???: Y/N.

I also stay where I'm seated and I close my eyes, I know what's about to happen. They use Eri to create bullets that destroy quirks but they use me to make bullets that are called Fear Inserters, when someone's hit with the bullet it plays a-bunch of hallucinations at once that makes them absolutely terrified of something. It could be fire, water, flying, heights, fighting, guns, one that's still a work in progress makes them terrified of living, and there's another that can be specially made to make them terrified of the person that fires the bullets.

They walk up and grab me too. I end up just walking beside Eri down a hall, there's no point in fighting them. They'll just win. I have a habit when I'm around people, I subconsciously fold my arms in-front of me and grip at my elbows, I think it means I'm basically trying to keep control. It just makes me feel more comfortable, being around people is scary because I always think I'm gonna hurt them.

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