Mimic's Attack And The League's Assistance

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Overhaul: So much noise. Those fools better be doing their jobs.

Chronostasis: I hate to say it, but I think this is the end for the Hassaikai.

Overhaul and Chronostasis are walking threw the halls attempting to escape, Overhaul is carrying an unconscious Y/N while Chronostasis is carrying Eri.

Overhaul: As long as the boss and I live, the Hassaikai will, too. Most of the men remain loyal to him but don't understand my way of thinking. Even though I respect the boss's will more than any of them do. As long as we have the finished products and the serums, I can bring us back from the brink of extinction. This little incident will make a good story for potential investors. We've developed drugs that heroes are afraid of. Exactly the sort of thing they're after. They'll finance it happily. And on that's note... it's time to pull your weight, temps.

Behind Overhaul, Toga and Twice are leaning against the wall, Toga then gets a big bright smile on her face thinking about how she gets to fight.

Toga: 'Kay~

Twice: You can leave it to us, Overhaul.


Fatgum: Red! Red Riot! Can you hear me? Wake up!

Fatgum is holding Kirishima after defeating the villains making sure he's alright. And he's now ✨SKINNY✨

Kirishima: Who... Are you?

Fatgum: It's me Fatgum! I had to shed a few pounds to end that fight! But come on!

Kirishima: Fat. I'll... protect you. I'll stay strong. I promise. Whatever it takes.

Fatgum has tears welling up in his eyes, he knew Kirishima was determined but he surpassed anything Fatgum imagined, if it wasn't for Kirishima, Fatgum knew he would be dead.

Fatgum: Kirishima.


Fatgum: Tamaki brought a friend? Didn't see that comin'!

Fatgum is eating barbecue in his office at the Fatgum agency as Kirishima is standing in front of him.

Fatgum: I've seen you fight before. At the sports festival. You had real spunk! Tamaki never does well there because he ends up lost in his own head.

Amajiki looks away from Fatgum shadows over his eyes as he stares at the floor.

Kirishima: Thanks. I did my internship with Fourth Kind and he seemed to like my attitude, too. He said energetic employees were good for an agencies moral. But...

Kirishima then puts a hand on his heart as he looks down at his hand.

Kirishima: That's all I am. And, I wanna be more than that. I wanna be a hero who protects people with the strength of his spirit. Like Crimson Riot. That's why I bugged Tamaki till he agreed to introduce me to you.

Kirishima then looks up at Fatgum with a determined look in his eyes.

Kirishima: I once failed to save people in trouble because I was scared. But never again.

End Of Flashback:

Kirishima: I'll be like him. Like Crimson.

Fatgum try's not to cry as he remembers what Kirishima told him, about how he wants to be a hero that protects and saves people.

Fatgum: You've done enough. More than enough.

Rappa: It's not over.

Fatgum looks over to see Rappa coming out of the rubble completely banged up, it looks like he's dragging his own body as his upper body is hunched forward and you can hear his breathing.

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