EJ pinches Josiah and Josiah started hollering and screaming

Josiah: owie

Eric: siah stop

Josiah: he hurt me

Eric: I said stop

EJ: we don't hit people keep your hands to yourself

Josiah: daddy

Eric: don't come over here go back to timeout where's Ollie

EJ: don't know he was gone when I woke up

Eric: okay J.J stop

J.J: I want my daddy

EJ: not this shit again J.J stop

J.J: no

EJ goes over and grabs J.J and smacks him on the butt and J.J starts hollering and screaming loud

EJ: Eric J.J is staying home

J.J: Noooo!!!

EJ: I want you to stop it right now

Eric: J.J you want me to call James and tell him your not listening

J.J: no

Eric: sit down and behave yourself

Oliver wants through the front door

Eric: hey mister where the hell have you been

Oliver: here I finished your chores and now I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep

EJ: you have work

Oliver: pop I'm grounded can I just stay in my room and study please

EJ: sure but tomorrow you will start your new job

Eric: you don't want breakfast

Oliver: actually I stopped and bought donuts

J.J grabs a donut

Eric: J.J eat real food first

J.J: okay

Eric: Ollie you sure you don't want breakfast

Oliver: okay

Eric: Josiah come and eat and keep your hands to yourself do you understand

Josiah: yes

Eric: okay here you go Oliver gets the plates let's eat in the dining room

J.J: no you can't do that your cheating

EJ: hey

Eric: hey

EJ: you got them right

Eric: yes we gonna have so much fun here eat this

EJ: thanks

Eric: have a good day at work

EJ: thanks love you

Eric: love you too

EJ: bye boys

The boys: bye

Josiah runs to his dad EJ picks him up

EJ: behave for daddy okay I will be home in time to tuck you in

J.J: no what the

Eric: J.J and Travis put the phones away

J.J: grandpa wait

Eric: I said now

EJ puts Josiah down and kiss him on the cheek and grabs his keys and leave the house

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