Chapter 32|"new york,new york"

Start from the beginning

"Anthony is a nice young man, though it may not seem like it now he will be a good husband, you may even find yourself growing to love him," She explains.

"I will never love him," I state.

"I thought that about your Father when I met him for the first time," She says.

"I am not you," I defend.

"And thank god for that," Mother sighs, "You're smart, I'm sure you will think of something," She says holding my hand in hers and patting the back of it.

I think my Mother has been replaced with someone who looks like her...

"Now get going, we haven't a moment to lose, Unless you want to come with your Father and me today," She says grabbing her phone and rapidly typing on it.

I packed up all my stuff quickly since most of it was already out and I'm not stressing about wrinkling it on the way back most of it's stuff I don't wear regularly.

"That was Henry, the car is ready for you at the south exit he will take you to the airport where a plane is waiting," Mother informs me.

"Thank you, really," I nod.

"Of course," She says giving me a quick hug, "Tell Greyson I say hello," She whispers.

"I'll try," I say, I'm not sure what to expect, clearly he didn't feel like talking yesterday but hopefully he's changed his mind.

"Go, go you don't want to be late," She says hurrying me along as I grab my laptop to put in my bag.

"Goodbye," I say opening my bedroom door.

"Goodbye dear," She replies.

"Tell Bella what happened and that I say goodbye, also get her to call me," I add.

"I will," She smiles, I give her a small smile before turning around and rushing towards the south exit.

Just like Mother had said the car was waiting for me there, the door was barely closed before I told the driver to go.

My phone lights up from beside me and I grab it to check it. Bella was calling me.

"Bella, Hi," I say answering the call and holding my phone to my ear.

"Mother told me," She states.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I didn't have-," I rush out afraid she's mad.

"Don't apologize," She says. "And Emery?" She asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"If you're going to marry someone, make it Greyson," She says making me choke on air.

"I'll remember that," I say once I stop coughing.

"I have to go now but promise you'll call more," She says.

"I promise, I'll call you when I get there," I promise.

"Good, now Goodbye," She says.

"Good bye Bella," I say ending the call. I put my phone down beside me and looked outside.

Bella's really growing up, I suppose she is almost 15. In my mind, she had always been the timid little ten-year-old who never grew up. Now she's doing just that, quickly too.

The rest of the drive is quiet, it's not like I really have anyone to talk to right now anyway.

Someone grabs my bags and loads them onto the plane, luckily because this was unplanned there's no paparazzi here, I'm sure that by the time I land the news will be out but until then I'm safe.

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