Chapter 17

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     Tamsin bowed, Sasha and Helisant doing the same beside her.

     "Welcome! Welcome!" Merrant said, striding around to the front of his desk. He was stunning, tall with thick corded muscle on his lean frame. He wore a plain brown shirt, heavy tattoos in the Fae language covering his arms. His face was angular, with bright blue eyes and a short gray beard, his hair neatly parted, the same coloring.

     He extended his arms to Tamsin first, the farthest left of the Witch line. He took both her hands, bowed in turn, and planted a kiss upon each hand.

     "Tamsin Caraxis, Godslayer of Tyanth, how lovely you are." He said, his eyes sparkling.
Tamsin gave him a polite smile. "Fae King Merrant, High King of the Continent, how handsome you remain." A compliment paid for a compliment.

     Merrant beamed, pleased with her response to the game.

     "Just as clever as ever, I see. I'm so pleased you could be here."

     "The pleasure is ours." She said. He released her hands and turned to Sasha.

     "There he is! My friend the Witch King!" He did not reach for Sasha's hand, instead he held is arms out and wrapped Sasha in a hug, clapping his back several times. Merrant was personable enough, even likable if one could remember that every interaction was a game, a dance for him. 

     If you knew the steps, you could keep up while he led. But a falter, a hesitation, and he could swoop in, trapping you in ways you wouldn't realize until he came calling.

     Sasha returned the claps on the back, stepping back and beaming.

      "My, my." He said. "The lady doesn't lie. You are more dashing than ever."

      "My bed is always open to be graced with the Witch King and his Lady." Merrant said, humbly giving a mock bow. He was funny, Tamsin had to admit. But he was a snake in the grass and she would not be bitten.

     Merrant turned to Helisant.

     "My bed is also open to you, dear Lady Helisant." Merrant said, pressing a soft kiss to Helisant's outstretched hand.

     "What fun we might have." Helisant winked, not skipping a beat in the dance.

     Merrant surveyed her a bit longer than Tamsin would have liked, his eyes hungry.

     "Truthfully your beauty rivals that of the Fae women I've seen of late." He turned back to the group. "And how wonderful that you're here. How blessed I am to have the triune in my study. Please, sit." He gestured to the chairs in front of the desk.

      They sat, the soft rolled arms of the chair enveloping them. Merrant sat behind his desk and leaned back, folding his hands together.

     "Tell me, how has the King's Road of Kendecier treated you?"
Sasha smiled, crossing one leg in front of the other.. "The horses knew just the path to bring us here to you."

     Merrant nodded. "Excellent!"

     Sasha leaned forward and dropped a heavy coin purse on Merrant's desk. "For the horses." He said coolly.

      Merrant's face rose in surprise. "You don't have to do that. We're friends, are we not?"

     "We are friends, and friends pay their debts." Sasha said, refusing to reach for the bag. 

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