Chapter 3

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     Tamsin woke the next morning to an empty bed. The magic that had entwined with hers was still there, resting softly on her. He couldn't have gone far. She blinked and stretched her arm beside her to be sure. His spot was cold.

     She rolled on her back, warm and half dozing. The curtains to the balcony had been pulled, drifting softly in a late morning breeze. Sunlight streamed through the marble archway, dancing white specks through the air. Below, she could hear the city starting its morning.

     Tyanth was part of the three Taigslands west of the continent. Along with Tyanth, the largest of the islands, Canbien and Malwatyr made up the Taigslands. Canbien and Malwatyr had cities of their own merits, of course, but the glittering capital of Aresvine rivaled them all and the city's diverse population was proof of this. Citizens of the Taigslands travelled to the bustling seaside city of Aresvine looking for work or tourism, or more unsavory things.

     Tamsin sat up, brushing her short blonde hair from her eyes. The blankets had been neatly pulled on Sasha's side of the bed, he had tucked them in against her before he'd left. She looked to the balcony and he was there, just on the other side of the archway sitting on a comfortable maroon chair. He wore only the long pants he slept in. His legs were stretched out and arms tucked behind his head, basking in the golden sunlight. A small mahogany table sat in front of him, littered with a teapot, several cups, and an array silver dishes that held an assortment of fruits and breads.

     She pushed the heavy blankets back and stood up, her feet pattering on the cold stone floor. Her first stop was the bathroom where she washed, then braided one side of her short hair away from her face. She studied her face in the mirror. The dark circles that had surrounded her eyes had faded after a good night's sleep. A rosy glow had again graced her apple cheeks and any trace of a bruised or bloodied nose had long since vanished.

     She was pretty, she supposed. As a girl her face had been full, soft and round like the three moons that shone at night. Over the decades it had thinned. Her cheekbones rose, the bridge of her nose thinned, and the fat that had seemed to pile near her mouth had vanished, leaving small but supple lips. She certainly wasn't the greatest beauty of Tyanth, but her looks had been more than enough to attract a few suitors through the years.

     The lace nightgown she wore was a bit too thin for the morning's brisk breeze, so she slipped into a simple black silk dressing gown that Sasha had bought her a few years ago for Solstice and headed out to the balcony. As she approached the table, she thought he might be asleep with as still as he was. His chest rose evenly, the small pendant around his throat bobbing smoothly. She had just reached the table when he spoke.

"Finally awake, Godslayer? It's nearly noon." He grinned and opened his eyes. They were bright and clear, the yellow catching the sunlight and twinkling, a far cry from the darkness she saw in them last night.

     "You could have woken me. Some of us don't have the privilege of lounging around in palaces all day. We have to work and become tired." She smirked, taking the seat across from him.

     "Well you'll have to forgive me," He leaned forward, taking the teapot by the handle and pouring it into her cup. "Between my sleeping and lounging, I've already eaten without you."

     He dropped two cubes of sugar into the steaming cup and offered it to her. She took it, savoring the warmth in her hands and looked at the breakfast offerings. A bowl of fruit, a few pastries, toast, eggs, and a small variety of meat. A small bowl of salt and sugar, and a few slices of cheese sat off near the side. He had picked over quite a bit, much to her relief. At least he was eating.

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