"Go back, go back."

  Han Qingxia waved his hand.

  "God bless, Xinnan is willing to do good deeds and accumulate virtues throughout his life, and eat both meat and vegetables. Bless my boss and my other cow and horse brother to come back safely." Chu Yi prayed.

  Han Qingxia: "..."

  Xu Shaoyang: "..."

  Tang Jian heard what he said, "Sister, when did you get such a person?"

  "Just dug it."

  "It's pretty good. He's wearing very thick clothes and two new down jackets."

  "I asked you to do it with me in the first place. If you didn't do it with me, you would be envious!"

  Tang Jian: "..."

  I am so envious that I don't want to speak!

  Tang Jian wrapped herself tightly in her cotton-padded jacket, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

  Their car arrived on a main road outside the K1 base.

  Over there, Lu Qiyan's motorcade was already waiting there.

  When Lu Qiyan saw them coming, the convoy started and drove directly towards the clothing wholesale city.

  The heavy snow for days also fortunately hindered the movement of the zombies. Many of them were trapped by the heavy snow. Lu Qiyan's journey was very smooth.

  Occasionally, if you encounter zombies in a small area, drive directly over. The snow on the road makes chasing these zombies extremely slow.

  The clothing wholesale city is located in the southern suburbs of City A.

  Location close to suburban bus station.

  That is an area that City A has been supporting, trying to use the location of the bus station to turn it into a business district. However, the offline business is now very bleak, and no one takes the bus now.

  The bus station is not as lively as the train station.

  As a result, only the old clothing city that has been engaged in wholesale business has a stable business, and many of the surrounding large shopping malls are empty cities.

  When Lu Qiyan's motorcade was still five or six kilometers away from the wholesale city, a motorcade appeared in front of it.

  Han Qingxia, who was sitting in the middle car, saw the familiar place and the motorcade at a glance.

  It was an abandoned factory halfway up the mountain.

  In the middle is a two-story building with a row of production workshops on both sides.

  She stayed there for ten years in her previous life!

  Ping An Base, meet again.

  "Boss, what's wrong with you?" Xu Shaoyang noticed something strange about Han Qingxia.

  Han Qingxia turned her head. She waved to Xu Shaoyang and pointed to the factory. "Remember, that is our enemy."

  Xu Shaoyang: "...Okay!"

  Han Qingxia had to let Xu Shaoyang remember this deeply.

  After all, he lived there with her in his previous life.

  His life was also very bad!

  Their convoy merged with the convoy in front of them. There were only two cars in front of them. The door of the leading car opened and a slim man in his early thirties wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a springy smile stepped out.

  "Welcome! So welcome! I'm so happy to see you here!"

  Lu Qiyan's car stopped. After he got out of the car, he looked at him, "Are you Lu Wen from Ping An Base?"

  "Yes, Manager Lu of K1 base is really young and promising!" Lu Wen stepped forward with enthusiasm, wanting to shake hands with him, "I have heard of Captain Lu's name for a long time, your K1 base is our biggest President, our small base all depends on you!

  I heard that Captain Lu completed a mission to find a granary before. It must have been a bumper harvest. I wonder if Captain Lu can give us a wave of material support! It's been too difficult for our Ping An base recently! "

  Lu Qiyan's brows showed dissatisfaction. He looked at the hand stretched out in front of him and didn't want to hold it. He looked at him coldly, "If Captain Lu Wen can't support the people in the base, I can send people to pick them up."

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