When he heard about helping others, Chu Yi's eyes lit up, "Yes! I can do it!"

  Han Qingxia drove Chu Yi all the way back to the residential area.

  Chu Yi finally saw the midsummer base that Qian Yueer and his wife talked about.

  As expected, here is a large row of villas, with endless cultivated land, and every household raises chickens, ducks and pigs.

  It was dinner time, and smoke was rising from every house. People walking on the street saw them coming, and they all came forward to say hello enthusiastically.

  When Chu Yi saw this scene, his heart couldn't help but beat.

  Here, it was as beautiful as the world he imagined!

  This is the world he has been waiting for!

  "Lord, you are here again!"

  "Lord, have you brought us new friends today?"

  "Come on, come on, the lord is here again!"

  The residents of Shengxia Base came forward enthusiastically.

  Xu Shaoyang, who was building a greenhouse in the field, saw Han Qingxia coming back and walked over immediately.


  "Let me introduce you to your new teammate. His name is Chu Yi." Han Qingxia pulled Chu Yi over.

  Xu Shaoyang looked at the shy man in front of him who was wearing a gray shirt, thick glasses, and nodded.

  He felt that his boss was a good recruit.

  With clear eyes and a mellow temperament, he is a loyal person at first glance.

  "Hello, my name is Xu Shaoyang, I belong to the boss..."

  "I know," Chu Yi held his hand excitedly, "They are cows and horses, and I am also the boss's cow and horse."

  Xu Shaoyang: "..."

  Han Qingxia: "..."

  That being said, but, that's really it!

  "We will work for the boss together from now on." Xu Shaoyang said with high emotional intelligence.

  "Yeah!" Chu Yi nodded repeatedly, "Boss saved my life, I will definitely do a good job!"

  Han Qingxia brought one more person back to Shengxia Base.

  Chu Yi serves as her guard. He and Xu Shaoyang live together outside her air-raid shelter.

  Han Qingxia gave him all the work in the air-raid shelter. From now on, he would do all the work of planting fields and harvesting vegetables, feeding chickens, pigs and dogs.

  Xu Shaoyang was liberated.

  At the same time, after finishing the work in the air-raid shelter, he can go to the residential area to help.

  Han Qingxia gave him a small truck and asked him to go there to help at any time. Sometimes when the store needed to replenish supplies, Xiaoxia needed help, so he let Chu Yi do everything.

  He successfully filled the gap of Han Qingxia's lack of an administrator.

  Han Qingxia no longer needs to handle chores.

  It's the end of the month in a flash.

  With everyone's concerted efforts, all the greenhouses at the Midsummer Base have been set up in the past few days.

  On the last day of the month, a cold wave invaded. The temperature dropped to below zero and it snowed that day.

  All fragile vegetables and fruits are covered with polymer greenhouses, and even the pig pens are covered with tarpaulins.

  The crops and livestock in the midsummer base are all protected, and people are no exception.

  Han Qingxia took out a batch of winter down jackets and distributed them to the residents of the midsummer base for free.

  "This is a benefit for our midsummer base, one piece for each person!"

  Everyone at the Midsummer Base saw the down jackets handed out by Han Qingxia, including children, and they were all moved.

  "Mom, Dad, I have new clothes! The lord asked me to pick them out alone. You guys can see if they look good or not!" Wang Yunduo got new clothes for the first time after the apocalypse. She happily ran to her parents and put them on. They watch.

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