Ch. 8: Amusement Park

Start from the beginning

"That's a bit hard, Mordred. I can never live a normal life again." She said with a wry smile. "Honestly, it depends on whether the Holy Grail can actually grant my wish or not. If it can, I hope I can experience a normal life. If it can't, then I don't know anymore." Anna sighs touching her chest while looking downcast. Her eyes show deep longing towards something, a hope.

"So... What will you do after the War ends?" I ask again, a bit curious.

"I will go back home, probably. It's been a long time since the last time I saw my father and my mother. I miss them."

"Why? Aren't your parents on a honeymoon? You could just wait for them." I said a bit confused.

"It's... Kind of complicated. I don't know how to explain it, but I just want to see my parents' faces, I miss them. I have a little brother too, I'm planning to play with him once my wish is fulfilled." Anna said with a big smile.

"You really love them, huh," I said as I stared at Anna.

She has a big smile. "Of course! I love them very much."

A loving family... A normal family... A peaceful and happy family.

"That's why, if I have the Holy Grail, I can wish to have a normal life with my family," Anna said, with a warm and gentle tone.

I can only look at Anna here. Her words sound like a song, her tone is gentle. Anna really loves her family. I envy her, I never have a family like her. All my life, I only knew the pain of being alone, being abandoned and betrayed.

"So... your wish is to just have a normal life with your Family?" I ask again.

"The point is, Yeah. That's my Wish, Mordred." Anna said with a cheerful expression.

I see, that's really nice. I envy her. She has a family who love her and is waiting for her. She has a loving and caring family. She is really blessed.

"Well, with me on your side, Master, you won't have any trouble. Don't worry!" I boast to Anna, showing her a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I'm counting on you, Mordred." Anna giggles.


Back to the Present...

Anna and I are now standing in front of a Photo Booth. We enter the booth and Anna is preparing the money.

"Well then, Let's start! Which background do you want, Mordred?" She asks me.

"Umm... How about this one?" I suggest.

"Okay, let's go with this." She presses a button and the camera is now ready.

"One, two, three, smile!"


"Ahaha, it's fun!" She laughs, looking at the result.

"Yeah, it's fun. I think I'll keep one of the pictures." I said.

"Oh, you will? Then, should I make two copies?"

"Yeah, thanks!"

We came out of the booth and are now looking at the results.

"You should put that in your room, Mordred. So you won't be lonely." She says.

"I'm not going to be lonely, Master. I have a picture of you in my room."

"Eh!? When was that?!" Anna shouts, surprised.

"A week ago."

"Why do you have a picture of me?!"

"Because you looked cute sleeping."

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