Ch. 5: Caster

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Mordred Point Of View

...Huh? Oh, Is it my time to shine? Finally! This story is about me, not Master! Why did it take 4 Chapters just for me to take the lead? I'm in the Kitchen, searching for anything I could drink.

"Hmm... Nothing is interesting here..." I searched the whole fridge until I finally chose the Cola. I drink half of it, liking the bubbly feeling on my tongue. I lick my lips.


I hear someone behind me calling my name. I turn around and see that Master has woken up, yawning multiple times.

"Yawn... Good morning Mordred. Why are you awake at this hour?" Anna, my Master, walks into the kitchen.

I know Servants don't need to sleep, but that doesn't mean I can't sleep.

"Just looking for a drink," I answer, shaking the cola.

"4 in the morning? And this isn't our home... You can't just take whatever you want."

"Rider Master said that I could pick anything, just not too many."

"Wait... he did? Huh, well then, do what you want." Master looks like she wants to say more. "By the way... Mordred, Ka... never mind." She shakes her head.

What did she want to say?

"If Waver allowed it, then I'm going to make coffee. I'm sure they have it." She says while walking to the kitchen countertop. "Do you want coffee too, Mordred?"

"Nah, I prefer milk." I refuse her offer, drinking the cola again.

"That's... quite to be expected."


She goes to the kitchen and makes the coffee using a coffee sachet. She uses milk and sugar to add flavor.

After making the instant coffee, she sits on the counter chair. She blows on her coffee in the mug, trying to cool it down. She takes a big sip of the coffee, and her eyes widen immediately. Is it because of the Caffeine?

Nope, it's because it's still too hot.

"AAAH! I burned my tongue!" She runs to get cold water while her tongue sticks out.

The first time I was summoned, she fell on the dirt ground, then she was spotted by Archer. She almost got attacked by Assassins, and then her house inside was destroyed. Now, she burned her tongue. What's with her luck?

She drinks a cup of water, refills it, and drinks one again. She starts licking her lips.

"Ugh... Just, why in the morning..." She says after sitting down and slumping on the countertop.

"Sucks to be you. What's with the bad luck?"

"I don't know. Since... living from the start, I've been followed by the bad luck God. But now, it's more frequent." She says, looking like she's almost crying any second now. It's that bad? "Oh yeah, I didn't see the kid in his futon. Do you know where he is?"

"He's in the bathroom. It's already been more than 14 minutes. He's probably taking a shit right now."

A voice comes out from the bathroom. "Mordred-San? Can you come here, please?" The kid asks.

We walk in front of the door of the bathroom. "What is it, kid?" I ask him from outside the door.

"Umm... Uh..."

"Are you having some trouble?" Master asks, sounding concerned.

"I... don't know how to wash my... butt yet..." He says, sounding very embarrassed.

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