Ch. 7.5: Red Saber

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"How would you rate Noble Phantasm?"

At Miyama, the underground basement of the Tohsaka manor, Tokiomi, asked Kirei through the communicator.

"Equal to Gilgamesh Noble Phantasm. In other words, it's an EX rank."

A sigh escaped Tokiomi's lips. "Then, what about the Red Saber? Do we have any information regarding her?" he asked Kirei again.

"She's supposedly the son of Arthur Pendragon, Mordred, Knight of Treachery," Kirei explained.

"What about her abilities?"

"Minimal. Something blocked its way to reveal her abilities to me. It seems that all Masters can't fully see her abilities either. That's to say, what we know so far, she has shown great capabilities in defending herself against Archer's Noble Phantasm.

"She looks to be also able to what it looks like to be a Mana Blast or explosion. She can also strengthen herself. Boosting her power and speed while fighting. We also got a report that she could defeat some Assassins just by herself. That makes Red Saber quite a threat here." Kirei reported the facts regarding Red Saber.

Tokiomi groaned at the reports here. Another enemy to deal with. Tokiomi needs to gather more information from this Red Saber Servant here.

"Can she match with Gilgamesh in a fight?" Tokiomi asks Kirei.

"I can't say. She managed to fight Gilgamesh and last long enough. Even with all of the Noble Phantasm barrage, she only sustained an injury in one arm. It's still unknown who would be the winner, but I'm sure, Archer's Noble Phantasm would defeat even the strongest hero."

Hmm, seems this Servant is something, but Tokiomi needs more information.

"Kirei," Tokiomi spoke in a solemn tone. "Even without the Assassin, gather more information about Red Saber. Track her moves to find out more about Red Saber Master." Tokiomi commands Kirei.

"Understood, Lord Tokiomi," Kirei responded through the communicator and cut their communication.


Glancing at the window, Kiritsugu realized it had been dawn.

He's holding a burger in his hand while eating it. He's still at that same spot he was the day before since noon, thinking hard about Saber. Kiritsugu look up the map that has been marked.

'There was no movement at the Tohsaka house. Ever since Assassin's first attack, he never left the house.'

'There's movement at the Matou residence. Berserker master looks to be undefended. But Berserker's ability is still unknown, thus we shouldn't recklessly attack the Master.'

'Lancer Master should have already been taken care of, but Lancer remains. We must discover his master's new identity...'

'Caster's location remains unknown, but their atrocities continue.'

'Rider; no clues at all. He constantly moves with his Master in his flying Noble Phantasm, tracking them would be difficult.'

'The Red Saber and her Master location remain unknown too. Something seems to be interfering with the familiar, blocking them off.'

Kiritsugu silently ate his burger as he pondered regarding the Red Saber.

'The Red Saber is the supposedly illegitimate son of Saber, Mordred Pendragon. Her participation in the war has lowered Saber's morale significantly. Her full strength remains unknown.'

'Mordred... her ability is like a copy-paste of Saber.' Kiritsugu took a piece of a picture of Mordred. 'What could be her advantage? What does she have, compared to Saber?'

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