After they arrived at the base, they had no chance of the previous life. They could only live in shantytowns. Han Ying's father and grandma had no labor force. Han Ying lay at home doing nothing every day and ate too much, so they had to rob them. Between the two old men, Han Ying's mother was the only one who could earn food for the whole family.

  Now, Han Ying's health is gradually getting better, and she has decisively stated that she will take his mother away, and completely draw a clear line with the two losers, Han Ying's father and grandmother!

  "Eiko, you can't do this to us! Haven't you seen what we do to you!"

  "Have you forgotten that when your father was just born, he went to the big city to work hard in order to give you a good life, came to marry you, and endured humiliation and humiliation?"

  "We are your relatives! You can't abandon us!"

  "Kiss you!" Han Ying kicked his grandmother and his father, "If it weren't for your incompetence! Would I have lived such a miserable life!"

  "Before the end of the world, I couldn't even build a house for me! I made my wife have an abortion and break up with me! Make me live a miserable life! I can't even have a full meal! Even trash like you are my relatives! Go to hell! !"

  Han Ying kicked them hard on the head.

  His grandma was kicked by him twice before she curled up in a ball. She suffered from long-term nutritional deficiencies and a lot of physical diseases, and she vomited blood.

  Han Ying's father immediately said, "Mom! Mom! Han Ying! You kicked your grandma to death!"

  There was no pity in Han Ying's eyes, but she said even more excitedly, "She deserves to be kicked to death! Let a waste like her die! It's useless!"

  Han Ying's father was completely heartbroken at this time. He said fiercely, "You beast, I will fight with you!"

  "You are the old beast, annoying!" Han Ying stomped on his head, one foot after another, until Han Ying's face was covered with blood and his teeth cracked.

  When Han Ying's father was about to be beaten to death, someone shouted, "Chief Lu is here!"

  When Han Ying heard this, he was very disgusted and gave his father the last kick. After kicking him away, he picked up his valuable mother and left.

  The only two people left, Han Ying's father and Han Ying's grandma, fell to the ground bleeding and shouting unwillingly.

  "Beast! I'm your father!"

  "I am your father!"

  Chapter 85: Unhappy Retribution

  At this moment, Han Ying's father was extremely regretful.

  Why did he give birth to that beast Han Ying!

  He gave everything to Han Ying and escaped from the city with him on his back, but that beast abandoned him when he was well!

  What a beast that is!

  At this time, he suddenly thought of Han Qingxia.

  If his daughter was here, if Han Qingxia was here...

  Although Han Qingxia is rebellious, he knows that she is a very emotional person!

  He is a phoenix man who flew out of a remote village. In order to take root in the city, he moved to Han Qingxia's mother's house. Before marrying Han Qingxia's mother, he had held a banquet and got married in his hometown, and even gave birth to a son!

  He rarely went home when Han Qingxia was a child. Han Qingxia's mother never said anything, but Han Qingxia would yell at him every time. Later, he took his mother back from his hometown. His mother bullied Han Qingxia's mother, who was only five years old. The year-old Han Qingxia was like a little wolf cub, he would pounce on him and bite him.

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