Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace

Start from the beginning

"We were walking down to meet you both, and the first blast blew us apart, " she says, takes a drink of water and continues, "the second blast, opened up the floor and she fell through..."

She begins to sob uncontrollably, and Thor pulls her to him. Frigga and Kathalia exchange a sad look, and Loki blinks rapidly in disbelief.

"She is still in there?" he says, and Sif nods.

"I think so, unless she got out?" Sif asks weakly and looks around but does not see me.

Loki takes a deep breath a walks away. Frigga notices what he's doing and Kathalia stands to follow him. He slows his walk, and with each step he feels is power building and his concentration grows to find me. His eyes begin to glow green and a white mist begins to form around his hands.

She must be alright, I have to find her. I need her.

All he can focus on is finding me he stops front of the rubble and ignores the calls from others to get out of the way while the other people work to put out the fire and dig people from the rubble.

"Your Highness, Please move..."

"Prince Loki..." but their calls to him are drowned out in the sea of chaos around him, and his desire to find me.

The only thing I need I F/n, I need to know she is ok...They cannot get to her fast enough wherever she is in this pile. By the time they get through everything she could be lost to me forever...and I will not stand for that. She is my best friend, one of the only people in all the realms that I trust and care for; who cares for me too.

He brings his arms in front of him and holds his hands out to face the pile. Slowly he summons a power he didn't know he had and manages to shift the rubble. He has lifted the pile, and holds it as guards rush in. He's holding it for as long as he can, and finally as he is fatiguing and about to drop the pile when a guard yells for help.

"Here! We have one....looks like Lady F/n..." Gorm yells, "but the hair is different...."

Loki feels his strength surging again and holds the pile until he sees Gorm is carrying me, and that everyone else is clear. He tries to lower the pile slowly, but can't hold it and drops with a thud and all the rubble disappears into dust. No one else was injured, but he runs to my limp figure and pulls me to him. He screams is anger and the entire area flashes white. No one is additionally injured but the fire is magically extinguished, and the debris and rubble has been reduced to dust.

"Oh my girl..." my mother screams and comes running.

"Loki, how did you do that?" Frigga asks, but he ignores her question.

Eira and the other healers have come to me and Frigga conjures a blanket. Loki rolls me to my back and touches my head with his hand. Hot tears are brimming in his eyes. He is trying to feel my emotions, or find me by telepathy, but he can't. He stands up to move and to let the healers work. He stands and just stares as they work on me.

I can't lose her, she is my best friend. I would be lost without her.

Loki feels something odd stir inside him. He doesn't know what this feeling is, but it feels like more than friendship. He continues to stare and blinks tears, and doesn't feel Sif come to stand next to him and put her arm around him. Whatever this feeling is, he can't feel it now, it makes him feel weak and he will not look weak in front of anyone.

I mustn't let anyone know what I am feeling.

"I need help..Loki, " Frigga yells, "come, hold her arm , we need to see the wound she has down her side."

Loki kneels on my left side and nods as he receives instruction from Frigga. As she lifts my left arm for him to hold he sees a massive gash going from my armpit to above my hip. Immediately he drops my arm and staggers backwards.

"Ahhhhh" he exclaims "Mother..I .. can't" he stammers, "I cannot see her like this..."

He turns away and Kathalia moves over to him and lifts her tear filled eyes to him.

"Please" she whispers, "you are the only one, who can help her, I know she needs you Loki. You are her best friend, please...she needs you Loki."

Loki turns and looks into her eyes, then to his mother and his friends. They nod at him in encouragement. He knows this is so much more difficult on her, to see her only daughter clinging to the small amount of life she might have left, he has no choice. Moving back over to kneel next to me, he takes my arm. Frigga begins to work her magic on the gash, but she soon sees that there is much more than just a flesh wound. Ribs are broken. Loki rubs his hands up and down my arm to soothe.

F/n, please... I need you. You can't feel this or hear me, but ...please. I know you are there...



Help me...

But how?


I will help you but you cannot leave me...

Thinking quickly Loki takes his hand and places it on Frigga's to hold my wound together. They share a quick look as Loki gives Frigga some additional power to stabilize me before getting me to the ward. Once it is sealed as best it can be, I groan and scream in pain as I regain some level of consciousness. My mom immediately drops to me and hugs me.

"Shhhhh, it's ok my dear, we will get you to the healer's ward.." she says and runs her hand through my hair.

"Oh my gods, mom, it hurts so much" I wail and tears fall.

Frigga signals for a cot and the healer assistants carefully lift me and cover me as they place me on my right side. As they take me up to the ward, I can see the concern in the eyes of my friends Thor, Sif, Fandral, and others.

"Where's.... Loki?" I manage to squeak out hoarsely.

"I'm right here love..." he says with tears in his eyes.

Frigga who is right in front of my eyes signals that he above me holding my head and neck still. Slowly and carefully I roll my eyes upward as he moves into my field of vision only to gaze briefly in Loki's beautiful eyes and see a smile on his face, before I pass out again.

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