19. Everything Has Changed

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Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry Baratheon 

Tyanna wondered what life would have been like if Ned had been king, he certainly sat the throne well.

"He looks good up there." Margaery remarked.

"He does." Tyanna agreed.

"So would my brother."

"Joe wouldnt know what to do what all that power." Tyanna countered.

"Your family is no longer top dog." Margaery mused. "Not since your brother-"

"I know what he did but he didnt start it, he was just trying to finish it." Tyanna sassed. In homesty she forgot josephs family was still here. Olenna was usually vocal about her dislike for the lannister's and every breath they took, but there had been enough drama in the capital that apparently she didn't need to stir up any more.

"Either way, everything has changed." Margaery assured. "And we are heading home. Grandmother doesnt like the uncertainy here."

"Uncertainties is what makes life so exciting." Tyanna mused.

'My Lord this is a drastic action.' Pycelle informed him, 'it would be better to wait for King Roberts return.'

'Send a raven the castlery rock, master pycelle, inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his Bannerman. He will arrive within the Fortnight or we branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.' Ned informed them, he nodded to Beric and he was off.

" he speaks like the king. He speaks in the name of the king. He sits the throne like a king, and yet two days ago he quit as hand was rehired as hand threats were made... It makes me wonder who side he is on." Margaery pointed a delicate finger up at ned.

" you know I have that same thought to recently, and I hate that it keeps creeping into my mind." Tyanna admitted. "He just as much as I are on our own sides. I thought maybe our sides could merge together happily, but I don't think that's the case." she admitted. " he is too loyal to Robert. Even though Robert is an incompetent fool that needs to be put down."

" did my grandmother speak to you before the king left? She said she had some thing for the hunt. I didn't know what that meant, but she assured me you and your sister would." Margaery offered innocently.

" Yes, your grandmother is so helpful. Have a safe trip back."

" in other words, don't ask questions you don't want answers to." Margaery agreed. "Got it."

"Safe travels."

'A bold move my lord and admirable.' Petyr said 'but is it wise to yank the lions tail he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms?' Petyr smirked 'Gold wins wars not soldiers' Petyr added

'Then how come Robert is King? And not Tywin Lannister?' Ned questioned.

Ned descended the stairs and looked out into the audience. His eyes locked on the most beautiful figure in red. tyanna had not been to see him yet though she wanted to she knew things were changing and she didn't want them to. She wanted to go back to before. But for her little big brother was taken. When everything was perfect. When tyanna and ned were wrapped up in each others arms. She wanted to go back to that.

"Lady Tyanna." Ned remarked limping towards her.

"Lord Stark." She answered.

"A word?"

Tyanna hesitated.

"Please." He rasped grabbing her hand. "I meed you to talk to me." Ned begged.

"There you are!" Joseph declared pulling tyanna back. "Oh. Stark." He added stiffly. "Excuse us." 

Ned knew it was stupid to feel some sort of claim over her when he wasn't her husband. But what they had was special what they had was a true connection. But he let her get let away by her husband, because what else was he supposed to do? He didn't wanna make a scene he didn't wanna make things worse. He knew things were already bad between their families.

Tyanna and Joseph had a good relationship. They had a friendship. They put their children first and that was something that ned and catelyn had not done.

He left home when he should've said no. He should've told the king no I cannot be hand. Our family is torn apart. I need to work on my marriage. I need to work on my children. I need to keep us together.  But he didn't say that because he didn't want to work on his marriage. He wanted this position of power he's selfishly wanted more. Tyanna lannister was part of the more he was looking for.

The more he was losing. Maybe if he could get tyrion back then tyanna would be able to look at him again.

He wrote five ravens. It was past due. Two to catelyn demanding her release tyrion. Taking tyrion put them all in a dangerous potion. Jaime attacking made that very clear.

The next letter to robb telling him the same. His mother started this war. Dont die fighting for her idiocy. They didnt need to die at the lions hand. Ned would handle things.

Next to Bran. Saying he was sorry. He was sorry he was gone he was sorry he left. Hoped he would forgive him when they saw each other again.

Tyanna saw him heading to the maesters. Then found a letter on her own bed.

"My dearest Tyanna Im so sorry-" tyanna read softly. Her eyes scanned the page as ned poured his heart out. Tyannas own heart ached as she read it. She believed neds soul was connected to her own and she wanted to make amends. She wanted ned for as little or long as she could have him.

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