15 Daylight

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Daylight streamed in through the window and Tyanna felt blinded, then she felt a heavy weight around her and a smile curved her face. She squinted in the bright light as she rolled over. Ned slept soundly beside her. She traced a hand up his otter thigh, grazing his perfect ass. She gave it a squeeze and a smile tugged at his lips.

"Morning." Tyanna whispered.

"Morning." Ned echoed.

"Perfect day today." Tyanna remarked.

"Yeah? You can tell?" Ned questioned.

"Waking up beside you. Yeah Thats pretty perfect to me." Tyanna agreed.

Arya had found a cat, a tom cat, she was excited, she was quick and light on her feet, but it scratched at her trying to get away and then she stumbled upon a clearly private conversation but she couldnt move, if she did she would be caught. She had to just sit and hope they left her alone and didnt see her at all.

But then Tyland of course was following her because why would she be going down into the darkest depths of the castle.

Calm as still water, Arya told herself. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine.

"Found one bastard." one said. "the rest will come soon. A day or two days a fortnight.."

"And when he leans the truth, what will he do?" a second voice asked.


"Hushhhh!" She demanded putting a hand over Tylands mouth. He stared back at her eye wide eyed.

"The gods alone know." the first answered and arya held her breath. "The fools tried to kill his son, and whats wrong they made a mummers farce of it. He's not a man to put that aside. I warn you, the wolf and the lion will soon be at each others throats, whether we will it or no."

"Too soon, too soon." the second man countered. "What good is a war now We are not ready. Delay."

"Dont. Talk." Arya insisted. "Quiet game." Tyland pouted as he crossed his little arms over his chest.

"I dont like the quiet game." Tyland countered in a whisper.

"As well bid me stop time. do you take me for a wizard?"

"No less." he agreed with a chuckle.

"Mama I lost tyland." Tysha remarked. Tyanna glanced back at her from the vanity.

"What do you mean you lost Tyland?" Tyanna demanded.

"Daddy said check with mama and from your reaction he isnt here. We were playing and then he ran off." Tysha clarified.

"Ran off?" Tyanna questioned.

"I lost him." Tysha agreed. "Whats for supper?"

"What did your father say?"

"He was drinking with uncle jaime. Said to check with you. Remember?" Tysha questioned.

"Drinking with uncle Jaime when Tyland is missing. Yeah that sounds like your father." Tyanna gripped. Tyanna picked up Tysha and marched out. "Cersei I need all the guards."  Cersei turned staring back at her confused.  "Did I stutter? I need all the guards. Tyland is missing." Cersei waved a hand and her gaurds scattered.

"Wonderful." Tyanna agreed. "Come on tysha lets go beat up your father and look for your brother. Then we all get cookies once we find Ty."

"Okay." Tysha agreed.

"What would you have me do?"

"If one hand can die, why not a second?"

That made Arya's heart race. Tyland pouted up at her bored.

"You have danced the dance before, my friend."

"before it not now, and this hand is not the other."

Still as stone, quiet as a shadow, Arya thought to herself. Tyland rolled his eyes.

"Nonetheless, we must have time. the princess is with child. the Khal will not bestir himself until a son is born. You know they are savages."

"This is no longer a game for two platers if ever it was." The short man countered. "stannis baratheon and lysa arryn have fled beyond my reach, you should hear the whispers."

"Can we go now? Im bored of the quiet game!" Tyland whined.

"Come on." Arya grabbed his hand tugging him along.

"Not so hard! You are going to yank my arm off." Tyland demanded.

"We are in trouble. My father is in trouble dont you see that? Werent you listening?" Arya demanded.

"No." Tyland answered.


"Not now Ned." Tyanna countered. "I have to find Tyland and kill my husband. In that order."

"Tyland is missing too?"

"Too! What do you mean too? Whos missing?" Tyanna demanded.

"Arya for hours." Ned agreed.

"Fucking hell. Maybe they are together?"

"That would be good right?"

"Im killing Joe either way." Tyanna decided

"what happened?"

"He was day drinking and didnt give a damn that tysha said our son was missing." Tyanna remarked. "Our children always came first and things have just been..." she marched on tysha in her arms.

"Did I mess things up?" Ned whispered. Tyanna stopped walking.

"No. This is between Joseph and I." She assured.

"Off with you. No begging."

"I'm not a beggar. I live here." Arya corrected sure she looked like a mess but she did live here.

"D'you want a smack on your ear to help you with your hearing?" The guard countered.

"I want to see my father." Arya demanded.

"I want to fuck the Queen, for all the good it does me."

"its cold out let me in. I want my mommy!" Tyland demanded.

"You want your father, boy? He's lying on the floor of some tavern, getting pissed on by his friends." the guards mused. "You want your mum shes whoring with this ones father."

"My father is Hand of the King! I'm not a boy. I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell and if you lay a hand on me, my father will have both your heads on spikes! Now are you going to let me by or do I need to smack you on the ear to help with your hearing?" Arya declared and the men shared a look.

"Who are you boy?"

"Tyland Tyrell you fuckers are dead meat when my mommy gets here."

"Heads spikes." Tyanna agreed.

"Mommy!" Tyland demanded pushing past.

"Baby where were you?" Tyanna demanded holding him close.

"Arya?" Jory questioned. "I will take her to her father."

"I was just playing and then I ran off and Im so sorry mommy," tyland whimpered.

"I was so worried about you baby." Tyanna cooed.

"How many guards does my father have?" Arya questioned as they walked.

"Here in King's Landing? Fifty." Jory remarked.

"You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you?" Arya questioned, big eyes staring up at him.

"No fear on that count, little Lady."

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