4. Enchanted

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"The north is enchanting!" Tysha declared from underneath Joseph's cloak.

"It's snowy." Tyanna offered.

"It's beautiful! Look! The snow! It sparkles!" Tysha declared sticking a hand out the carriage window.

"When did you fall out of love with me?" Catelyn demanded. Ned looked up from his work.

"What?" Ned countered.

"Rickon. That was the last time we made love," Catelyn practically shouted at him. "Hes 7! Thats 8 years since we-"

"Im a bit busy the king will be here any day now. Can we do this any other day?" Ned countered.

"No. Tell me now. Tell me now!" Catelyn demanded.

"I dont know." Ned admitted. "It wasnt just one moment it was a complilation of moments throughout the years building up."

"What does that mean?"

"17 years Cat. That is a long time to-"

"You were gone for the first three. Fighting in roberts wars." Catelyn countered.

"Catelyn. We are still friends but I just dont feel that-" neds words were silenced when she slapped him across the face. Ned blinked back at her.

"8 loveless years. Three gone fighting in a war. That left us with 6 measly years of good? Is that what you are saying?" Catelyn demanded. Her hand fisted at her side.

"Yes. I fell out of love with you." Ned agreed he didnt knkw that he ever truly loved her. He tired to but he felt second best to his eldest brother Brandon. The man catelyn was so excited to marry. "But we have children. We can be civil-" she rose her hand again but he grabbed it stopping her from hitting him. "Catelyn I tolerate a lot of your behavior because I love our children but your blatant disrespect towards me, I will not have it."

"Is this the end of us?" Catelyn shouted in outrage.

"Nonsense you are still my wife the mother of my children. But we can go anout our duties-" another slap neared his face he grabbed her hand and twisted her arm around.

"Put on your most warm and kindest of faces when the king comes." Ned demanded as he let her go.

"Im not giving you money to fuck a whore." Tyanna laughed out.

"I guess I have to fuck my wife then." Joseph agreed climbing on top of her when tyland and tysha ran into their tent.

"Keep it in your pants." Tyanna corrected nudging him off. He lay beside her cold fingers trailing under her skirt. "I told you it was cold outside," tyanna remarked pulling Tysha into her lap.

"Warmed up by the fire. But joffrey was yelling at everyone." Tyland remarked.

"He does that. Grumpy butt." Tysha agreed. "Daddy I need your cloak."

"My cloak?"

"Im cold." Tysha agreed.

"I need it too Joey baby." Tyanna purred kissing his cheek.

"I'll warm you up." Joseph corrected draping his cloak across the children.

"In the morning we should be at winterfell." Tyanna realized.

"Excited for a real bed again." Joseph agreed kissing tyannas neck.

"Go to bed husband," tyanna purred closing her eyes.

The morning sun peeked through their tent and blinded tyanna. She grumbled rolling over into Joseph. He wrapped his arms around her.

"I like waking up like this." He whispered kissing her forehead.

"I already am sick of the north. Im freezing my already perfect ass off." Tyanna decided.

"It is a nice ass." Joseph agreed giving her ass a firm squeeze.

The rest of the journey was spent with Tysha bouncing around the carriage in red sparkly dress she picked out specifically for her first impression with the starks. Tyland was yawning said he didnt get any sleep last night. Tysha kept elbowing him in her sleep.

Outside the carriage joffrey was whining that his ass hurt and are they almost to that blasted freezing hell hole yet? Tommen and myrcella were excited to be going south. Cersei was bored. It made the king look weak. Tyanna agreed with her sister. Of course she did. Having the king in the entire company travel a whole moons journey north for one man was ridiculous. It made them look like they were begging and lannister's were not beggars.

The gates of winterfell opened for them. Joseph and Jaime rode side by side their banter quieted as they fell into formation.

Tyanna peered out and snow instantly stuck to her eyelashes. Frozen already. She was going to be frozen and die in the north.

"Welcome to the north-" Ned stark had declared as his family and everyone else in the courtyard dropped to one knee.

"Im sinking in the snow!" Tysha declared. Joseph jumped from his horse scooping her up. "Fhew! You saved me."

Jaime moved to the carriage offering his hand to his sisters as they climbed out.

"Such a gentleman." Tyanna remarked. "Where did tyrion go?"

"to greet the locals." Tyland answered grabbing onto her hand.

"Take me to the crypts!" Robert bellowed.

"My love we have been riding a full moon-" cersei objected.

"Perhaps the dead can wait." Tyanna agreed. "They are dead after all." Ned stared back at the lannisters. They were never his favorite people. He watched his wife move to the queen and the queens sister. Catelyn said what an honor it was but tyannas gaze locked on Ned. The hand. The man robert made them come all this way to grovel for.

"Your grace." Ned followed catelyns lead and got down on one knee before kissing her gloved ring. He rose up bowing before tyanna. Her head stayed cocked to the side as she stared at him. He kissed her hand too. He didnt need to. Tyanna wasnt royalty yet he did. When he stood up he held her gaze.

"Oh well that made the journey worth it." Tyanna decided. "Eddard..."

"Please call me Ned." He corrected gently.

"Ned." She repeated fondly. Cersei rolled her eyes. "Im Tyanna."

"Welcome Tyanna."

"I feel welcomed."

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