13 Exile

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"You're torturing the poor boy." Ned remarked.

"You heard the Hand. The King's too fat for his armor! Go find the breastplate stretcher, now!" Robert demanded and Lancel ran out of the tent.

"The breastplate stretcher?" Ned questioned.

"How long before he figures it out?" Robert laughed out.

"Maybe you should have one invented." Ned offered.

"Dont be mean to ned."

"I didnt say anything." Cersei countered.

"Come on. You have been hiding away. Josephs family wants to see you. Olenna couldnt stop talking about you." Tyanna went on.

"I hate that old bat." Cersei murmured.

"Yeah..." tyanna chuckled.

"All right, all right. But you watch me out there. I still know how to point a lance." Robert remarked.

"You have no business jousting. Leave that for the young men." Ned countered. But he felt like a young man again when he was with tyanna. She was a handful of years younger than him but she had energy for ages a smile that never stopped and a laugh that ned had on replay in his mind when silence threatened to take over.

"Why? Because I'm king? Piss on that. I want to hit somebody!" Robert declared.

"And who's going to hit you back?" Ned countered.  Tyanna would. Cersei would by the looks of it but not most men.

"Anybody who can. And the last man in his saddle... will be you!" Robert decided.

"There's not a man in the Seven Kingdoms would risk hurting you." Ned corrected. Ned didnt compete. He didnt want any man to know what he could do. Tournaments were for the knights that wanted to show off. Tournaments were not for train, soldiers ready for actual war.

" Are you telling me those cowards would let me win?" Robert pondered.

"Aye." Ned agreed without hesitation.

"... Drink." Robert insisted

"I'm not thirsty." Ned corrected

"Drink. Your King commands it. Gods! Too fat for my armor." Robert muttered.

"Your squire... A Lannister boy?" Ned questioned.

"Hmm... A bloody idiot... But Cersei insisted. I have Jon Arryn to thank for her. Cersei Lannister will make a good match he told me. You'll need her father on your side." Robert grumbled. "I thought being King meant I could do whatever I wanted. Enough of this! Let's go watch 'em ride. At least I can smell someone else's blood." Robert remarked.

"Robert?" Ned looked him over he wasnt wearing pants.

"What? Oh! An inspiring sight for the people, eh? Come! Bow before your King! Bow, you shits!"

"You alright San?" Tyanna questioned.

"Aye." He barked back.

"Your brother nearly got your scruffy head." Tyanna remarked.

"Aye." Sandor agreed.

"You know joffrey is lucky to have a man like you looking out for him. Even if he wont ever admit it. Hes a little punk."

"Little punk." Sandor agreed. Tyanna sat beside him.

"You know what tyland said today?"

"Why would I know what you little shit said today?" Sandor countered. Ned chuckled softly to himself outside the tent.

"Sandor is so brave." Tyanna informed him. "Hes a real knight."

"Im no knight." Sandor corrected.

"I know. But he thinks good strong men like yourslef that stand up for the little guy should be knights. Not the cunts that fuck up the little guy for the hell of it." Tyanna remarked. " You may not think it because of how you look and how you're treated your standing in court as a guard... but little boys, see you guarding the prince and you know what they think? That's a good man that's a man to look up to."

" do you think anyone looks up to me?"

" I always look up to you, but that's because I'm short and you're tall" Tyanna mused she nudged him. "Keep being a good guy Clegnae. Someone my Ty can look up to." She got up and sandor stared back at her.

"Oi. Lannister." She glanced back at him. "You're not horrible like your family."

"Thank you. I try really hard to not be horrible sometimes." Tyanna agreed.

"You and Clegane?" Ned questioned when tyanna got out of the tent.  Tyanna shrugged. "Who knew you had a soft spot for him?"

"No one. Gotta keep my im a badass mentality up. Strike fear in everyone below me." Tyanna mused.


"Robert wanted to compete, needed to invent a breastplate stretcher though for him to get in it." Ned chuckled out.

"I think if the people saw Robet fight now a days they would most certainly exile him from the castle." Tyanna remarked confidently.

" Yes, I told him no one would compete against him anyways, but I think you might've been glad to go up against him." Ned remarked. " probably would've won too"

" thank you thank you!" she gave a deep swooping curtsy. " and you are very much right I would've won."

" it's strange to think of the man I once knew compared to the man I see you today." Ned admitted.

" I'm sure you've changed a lot to"

" are you trying to give Robert the benefit of the doubt?" Ned mused has he slowly undressed her.

" no he's an awful human being, who has aged terribly." Tyanna assured. " you I'm sure were rambunctious young man. Had your time on the streets of silk? Fighting and fucking fucking fighting isn't that how all the young men think?"

" that is certainly how Robert used to think now he only thinks half of that." Ned agreed.

" Now that we've gotten that out of the way I think we are done talking about Robert." Tyanna offered.

" I think you're probably right about that." Ned agreed leaning in to kiss her.

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