Short Chapter

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Lucy's POV
Dammit, this is a Mira plan. I try edging to the walls on the side of the room.

Gray's POV
My partner's Juvia. And frankly, I'm happy about that. She's clingy, but she's actually really cool and beautiful. Juvia is currently attatched to my arm. I avert my slightly pink face. Don't tell her that I like her. (Just imagine Mira in the background and squealing at his blush. Also with a camera taking pictures.)

I see Lucy trying to escape the plan. Unluckily for her, everyone, and I mean everyone, is in on this plan. We all want to get Natsu and Lucy together.

Lucy tries stumbling past me. With the free hand that isn't linked in Juvia's, I step behind her and, placing my hand between her shoulderblades, push her back toward Natsu. I smile when I see her fall, knowing Natsu's instincts to keep her from harm.

(If you don't know what a ligament is it's like something that attatches one thing to another)

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