Chapter 9

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Ty looked over to Ellie.

" Are you ready to start this adventure?" - He asked her.

She shook her head yes, with a big smile.

" Alright, let the adventure begin." - Ty said starting his truck and leaving.

The 3 of them have been on the road for 6 hours at this point, Elliana is sat between Ty and Amy. She has slept for most of the time they've been in the truck. 

Ty glances down at Ellie to see her sound asleep against his shoulder.  He can't help but smile. 

After an hour more Elliana started to wake up.

Elliana's POV : 

I start to wake up, after sleeping well for once. I glance to the side and see Amy sitting next to me, and then I realize that I am with Ty and Amy, and it wasn't just a dream. 

I yawn, and slowly sit up. " Where are we?" - I ask while still waking up a little.

" Uhm, I think we are about to enter Ohio. We still got around 30ish hours left." - Ty replied.

I start to feel a little sick to my stomach, maybe because I don't remember the last time I ate, then my stomach grumbled.

" Are you hungry?" - Amy asked me.

I hesitated for a minute. " Yes, but I'm ok for a little while longer." - I replied.

" Honey, if you're hungry then we can stop to get you something to eat. What are you hungry for?" - Amy explained to me.

Then Ty chirped in as well. " We are about to enter Cincinnati Ohio, which has a ton of choices. I think they have a McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, just whatever you're feeling, we'll stop and get." 

I couldn't help but crack a smile. " Are you sure I can choose the place?" - I asked.

" I'm sure of it. Whatever you feel. You can get anything you want." - Ty explained to me, and I couldn't help but notice the small smile on his face.

After thinking to myself for a moment, I decided on McDonalds, if I am being honest, I don't remember the last time I've eaten or even thought of McDonalds. I felt this small warm feeling in my chest, which brought an even bigger smile to my face. 
After I told Ty and Amy that I wanted McDonalds, Amy looked at the map and told Ty the way. I couldn't help but observe the way they communicate.  Within 10 minutes we arrived at the fast food place, and I couldn't help but get excited, it was later brought with a little bit of guilt, but I tried my best to push that feeling away. 

We entered McDonalds, ordered, then grabbed a table to wait for our food, within minutes the food was brought to us, no wonder why they call it ' fast food ' . I began eating, and I don't think I've ever eaten this fast before. When I finished I looked up and saw Ty and Amy staring at me. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious.  After I examined their faces I noticed they both had slight smiles on their faces, then they slightly laughed. Then I felt a wave of relief go over my body. 

" Uhm Amy" - I asked in a quiet voice, barely above a whisper.

Amy sat her chicken sandwhich down and finished chewing before responding. 

" What's up honey?" - She responded. 

" What's your family like?" - I asked, kind of scared.

Amy slightly smiled.

" Well, honey, I have a big family. I have my Grandpa, Jack, I have my dad, Tim, I have an older sister, her name is Lou, she is married to a guy named Peter, and they are expecting, they are due to have their baby in about a month. We all live together, besides my dad, he lives on the property next to us, and we own horses, dogs, a cat, cows, and some ducks. We also have a family friend named Mallory." - Amy explained to me.

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