Chapter 8

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Amy hugged Jack and Tim, then her and Ty walked out of the house to Ty's blue truck.

Amy sighed. " Ready for the adventure?" - Amy asked.

Ty took Amy's hand. " Yes." - Ty said, then helped Amy into the truck, then he got in.

It's been a couple of hours since Ty and Amy started their journey to North Carolina. Ty kept his phone turned on just incase Lou called to let him know that Elliana had called. 

They made their first stop after around 5 1/2 hours into the road trip. They stopped at a gas station in Calgary. Then started their journey again. 

" Ty, do you want me to drive?" - Amy asked looking up from the map.

" No, that's ok. When I get tired, maybe. But I'm still wide awake. I want to get to Elliana as fast as we possibly can." - Ty responded. 

" Ok." - Amy replied with a sympathetic smile.

Elliana's POV : 

It's been a couple of days since I last spoke to Ty. I hope he's on his way to save me from this God awful home.

Ever since I got the beating of a life time, I haven't felt right. My chest seems to always be tight. I also haven't seen my mother or her husband ever since either.  
It's been ok. I tend to prefer them both to be gone. I hope Ty get's here before they show back up. 

I open my bedroom door quietly, and tip-toe out to the entry of the living room to make sure they definitely aren't home, which thankfully I don't see them.

I walk over to the landline and take a deep breath. I pick the phone up and dial the ' Heartland Ranch' to see if Ty is actually coming to get me, and to let him know that I'm ok." - I thought to myself as I typed the phone number in. 

I heard it ringing, hoping someone on the other line would pick up, as I was about to give up hope, I heard someone answer it. 

" Hello, this is Heartland Equestrian Ranch, this is Peter Morris, how may I help you?" - The man ( Peter) said on the phone. 

" H-hi this is Elliana, is Lou, Ty, or Amy there?" - I asked in a shaky tone of voice.

" Oh you're Elliana, my wife was telling me about you. Lou is currently busy at the moment." - Peter responded.

" Is Ty or Amy there? I just wanted to let them know that I am safe." - I replied.

" Actually I think Ty and Amy are on there way to come and get you, as we speak." - He responded.

" Ok, thank you." - I replied with a slight smile. 

Then I hung up the phone. 

I couldn't help but feel excited knowing I'll get to finally put a face to the voice of my brother. I put the phone line back, and went back to my room and closed the door. I walked over to my bed and started to wait until Ty finally got here.

Back to Ty and Amy & 3rd Person POV :

As time passed by it was now the middle of the night. Ty and Amy are 12 hours into their 40 hour road trip. Ty is still driving while Amy is asleep in the passenger seat of the truck. Even though Ty and Amy promised to keep their phone on, they decided to turn them both off after the 20th text both Ty and Amy got between Jack, Lou, and Tim, and 1 from Peter, that they both missed. 

6 hours has passed by. ( I am just lazy also I don't know how else to fill in this part of the story

It is now early morning and Ty has been driving for almost 20 hours now, only stopping a couple of times, they are now in Minnesota. 

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