Chapter 7

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In the barn . . . 

Ty rushed into the barn to see Amy brushing Spartan.

" Amy, Jack said Elliana can come." -Ty said excited.

" I'm leaving tonight." -Ty

" What do you mean you're leaving tonight? You should slow down a little bit Ty. You don't even have a place for her to sleep yet." -Amy said setting the brush down. 

" She's going to stay in the loft with me. Jack said she's my responsibility and I will need to keep an eye on her and stuff." - Ty explained. 

" Oh. Do you have an extra bed up there for her?" -Amy asked.

" No. I was going to ask you or Lou to set something up for her in the loft. But Amy, I have to leave." -Ty said walking up to the loft. 

Amy looked at the ground trying to hold back her tears and picked the horse brush and started to brush Spartan again, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

<< North Carolina>>

Elliana is sitting in her bedroom on her bed when she stands up and walks over to her vanity mirror. 
What is revealed is two black eyes, bloody lip, and bruises covering her arms and legs. 


Ty is walking back down the stairs from the loft with a backpack with some supplies in it to get to North Carolina, and some other things just incase he has to keep Elliana safe from her parents. 

As Ty approached Amy to say goodbye he noticed that she has a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks as she's sniffling, so Ty doesn't hear her. He set his bag down and hugged Amy from behind.

" What's wrong?" - Ty asked resting his head on Amy's shoulder.

Amy sighed. " Ty, you didn't ask me if you wanted me to go. I was just maybe thinking that we could make something out of this road trip." - Amy responded. 

Ty then sighed. " Ames, this isn't a fun relaxing road trip, I'm going to save my sister from her abusive household." - Ty

" I know Ty. Just you might need back up, I could be there for that, and Elliana is a girl, what if she has girl problems? I could help with that. Plus this could be a little trial run for us." - Amy explained.

Ty let go of Amy, and thought to himself for a moment, then looked Amy in the eyes. 

" I want you to go with me to North Carolina, but Amy, it's not going to be an easy trip, I want you to understand that." - Ty explained.

Amy nodded with excitement. " I understand." 

Ty and Amy walked into the ranch house, where Tim, Jack, Lou, and Peter are.

Amy tried to speed walk pass the kitchen to avoid questions, but failed.

" Amy, where are you off to?" - Her Grandpa Jack asked.

Amy stopped in her tracks and turned to Jack. " I'm going with Ty to North Carolina." 

" Like hell you are!" - Jack responded.

" Why's Ty going to North Carolina?" - Lou and Tim asked.

Jack looked at Ty. Ty sighed. " I have a sister there that is being abused, and I'm going to go save her." 

" And Amy, you're wanting to go? Hell no." - Tim.

" I'm 17, I think I'm old enough to make a decision like this. And it's not like I'm going alone." - She responded.

Lou looked at her sister, than at Jack and Tim.

" I think Amy is old enough to make her own decision. I mean Grandpa, you can't treat her like a little kid all the time. And it sounds like she is going to help Ty, and save a young girl." - Lou explained. 

Amy looked at Lou with a thankful expression. After a minute Jack looked at Amy.

" Fine, you can go. But keep your cell phone on you at all times turned on. And do not get hurt. Or else." - Jack said, then switching his eye contact from Amy, to Ty. " I will kick your ass so far that you'll be crapping in Montana." 

Ty half smiled. " Ok." 

Amy walked off to her room to pack a small bag. 

" Hey Lou, do you think you could set an extra bed up in the loft for my sister?" - Ty asked.

" Sure, I can do that!" - Lou responded. 

" I'll help you." - Peter added.

After a couple of minutes, Amy walked back into the room with her backpack.

" Alright, I guess we are going to head out." - Amy said with her hands in her back pockets.

Lou got up and hugged Amy. ( side note - Lou is 7 months pregnant. I am going off of the story line a lot, but that's ok!)

Ty shook Jack and Tim's hand.

" Do not let anything happen to Amy, or you'll be dead." - Tim threatened. 

Ty shook his head ok.

Amy hugged Jack and Tim, then her and Ty walked out of the house to Ty's blue truck.

Amy sighed. " Ready for the adventure?" - Amy asked.

Ty took Amy's hand. " Yes." - Ty said, then helped Amy into the truck, then he got in.

To Be Continued . . . 

Hi Everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's been a long time since I last posted a chapter to this story, but I've been super busy! Thank you for being so understanding about this story! Leave your thoughts down below on what you might want to see in the up coming chapters!
                                                                                 ~ Much Love! -heartland_fam07

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