♡Chapter 2♡

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Ty and Amy are in the ranch house kitchen making breakfast when Jack walks through the front door and into the kitchen with an Urn and an envelope.

" Whatcha got there Jack" -Ty asked referring to the items in Jack's arms.

" Well, this stuff is for you Ty, I'm sorry." -Jack added, setting the items down on the table and walking away.

Ty walked over to the table and sat down, Amy followed his same actions.

Ty stared at the items on the table confused on what they were. He slowly grabbed the letter of the table and opened it.

After a couple of minutes he slowly looked from the letter to the Urn.

" What is it Ty?" -Amy asked a little concerned.

" It's uhm m-my father." -Ty said holding tears back.

" I-I don't know why I feel like crying. My dad was nothing but a dead-beat, always stole from me." -Ty said struggling to say the last part.

" I'm so sorry Ty." -Amy responded rubbing his back.

" I-I have to go." -Ty said immediately getting up and leaving with the letter.

Amy just sighed staring at the Urn on the table.

North Carolina**

It is a Saturday morning to be more precise it is 8 a.m.

Eliana got out of bed and walked to the living room to find her mom gone. Her favorite time of the week was the weekend when her mom wasn't around. She happily sat down on the couch and turned the T.V on when there was a knock on the front door. She turned the T.V down and crept the the curtain to see who was out there but there was just and envelope sitting there. She walked to the kitchen to grab a knife. She didn't know who was out there. She slowly opened the door and snatched the envelope and slammed the door before anyone had time to make it inside.

She walked to the kitchen and placed the knife on the counter, then opened the envelope.
She stared at the page and none of the words were making sense to her.
She slowly walked to her room and closed all of the curtains and said to herself.

" I'm a Castro, not a Borden."


Amy walks up to Ty who is sitting in a field close to the barn. She plopped down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

" Ty, what did that letter contain that your dad left you?" -Amy asked in a calming tone.

" Which one? They both contain something wild." -Ty said in a raspy voice tone.

" I guess both of them." -Amy

" That I have a sister named Elliana that lives in North Carolina. And that he left my mom to be with her mom, then left her too." -Ty confessed.

To Be Continued . . .

A/n: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. It is still kind of the back story, but we are starting to come out of that part.
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Thank you guys for everything, Love you guys so much.

~heartland_fam07 ❤️

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