♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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(In North Carolina)

" Really Eliana, again?!" -A women yelled as Eliana walked through the front door.

" Nice to see you too mom." -Eliana said setting her backpack down by the front door, then walking to the kitchen.

" Wanna explain to me why you got an 'F' on your math exam, again?" -Her mom asked in a stern almost yelling tone.

" I've told you countless times, I don't understand AP calculus." -Elliana replied in a stern and steady tone.

" It's not my fault your stupid smart and got moved up to AP calculus while still being 14 years old." -Her mom said opening up a beer bottle.

" Just go clean the bathroom, until I can see my face on everything." -Eliana's mom replied sitting down on the sofa with a beer.

" I wish I had an older brother, so I could get the hell outta here." -Elliana grumbled under her breath walking to the bathroom.


There is a teenage girl probably around 13 years old sleeping outside on a bench infront of her parents friends house, due to it being too hot.

A guy around his mid 20s went up and scared the teenage girl.

" Ty!" -The teenage girl named Mallory yelled, then pushed Ty, the guys in his mid 20s in the arm.

Ty chuckled " Oww" -He said still somewhat chuckling.

" Ty what's that noise? It's really loud for it being 3 in the morning!" -Mallory yelled

" I don't know!" -Ty yelled back.

Amy and Lou walked out by that time hearing the loud noise.

Ty, Amy, Lou, and Mallory see a big meat truck coming towards the Heartland House.

The truck comes to a stop.

" Mallory go get Grandpa." -Amy said
" But" -The teen girl trying to protest
" Now!" -Amy demanded

A man that looks to be around his mid 50s steps out of the truck.

" Dad?" -Ty asked a little skeptical.

" Son." -Brad replied relieved

" I um, I have horses in there." -Brad said his attention going to the cattle truck.

" H-horses? You can't have horses in a cattle truck. Th-they will hit their heads." -Amy said running to the back of the trailer and opening it up.

" I didn't have much of a choice. My boss didn't give me an option." -Brad said walking to the back.


Ty is standing on the edge of the loft window watching his dad's trailer drive off.
He got off the loft window ledge and closed the window.
Ty walked down the stairs and into the office.    He saw a letter on the desk that had his name on it. Ty grabbed it then walked up to the loft to go to bed.



Ty is in the loft sitting on his bed staring at the envelope his dad left him. He didn't know if he wanted to open it or not.

Amy ran up to the loft to walk in and see Ty holding the envelope.

" Watcha holding Ty?" -Amy asked plopping down next to him.

" It's um, something my dad left me. The uh night he left Heartland for good." - Ty explained above a whisper.

" What does it say?" -Amy asked curiously

" I don't know. I don't want to know." - Ty said getting up from his bed.

" But Ty, what if it's important?" -Amy said getting up from the bed and walking over to Ty's side.

" If it was really important he would've told me in person, not in a letter. Amy I am done making up excuses for my dad. I might read this letter, I may not. But in this letter it won't change anything my dad has done." -Ty

" Ok. No matter what I will be by your side." -Amy said hugging Ty's side.

To Be Continued . . .

A/n : Hi guys! I am proud and excited to announce that I started another Heartland Story! How have you liked it so far? It is shorter that I would've like, but that's okay. I didn't want to give so much away in the first chapter. I hope you enjoy this story and leave a like and comment.


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