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Thing's have been quite for a few days. Well since Lei told me that their King killed his wife the Queen. Now that is some crazy mess.

"Troy?" I said.

"Yes, baby?"

"Can you get Yael, I am too exhausted to get up."

"Sure." He took a deep breath and got up.

He exited the room and I sat up removing my bra to feed her. I stared at nothing in this dark room waiting for Troy.

"Troy?" I called out.

I finally got up after waiting only to find him on the couch with Yael sleeping in his arms.

"Troy?" I whispered.

"Yes, yes?" He sat up.

"It's time for me to feed her. My boobs hurting."

"I'm sorry love I am tired. Hell didn't even know I came down here."

"It's okay. You go back to sleep. I know you have work, I shouldn't have woken you up."

"No, it's okay. I will carry her up for you." He stood up and followed me to our room.

We got back comfortable back in bed and I wasn't going to get back up so after I fed Yael she just slept on top of Troy.

"Yana?"Troy said.


"I love you."

"I love you also. You okay?" I asked him.


It was quite after that.

I teally wasn't tired anymore so I just laid there with my phone screen dim, watching Cherry Youtube. She uploaded a video about our brother Ashton, since it was his death anniversary.

I smiled looking at the videos she added of him.

"Wassup sis?" Kit said.

"Hi brother."

"You up at five am?" He laughed.

"Yes, I am. Miss you."

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