Some of these people are of no use when they are alive, but they are quite useful after they die.

  Han Qingxia looked at the dead Wang Mengwei next to her, took out her AK and fired two more shots.

  Beat her until she can't die anymore. Well, she finally vents her anger.

  You can't offend Han Qingxia by offending anyone!

  Otherwise, even if you die, you will be whipped!

  Han Qingxia has never been a broad-minded person. She must avenge herself, and she will repay him a hundred times!

  After escorting people, she walked slowly to the elevator entrance, pressed down on the elevator, and soon the elevator door opened.

  To her surprise, Lu Qiyan was also inside and followed him down.

  "Why are you still here?"

  "Don't worry, the two underground floors will be destroyed soon. We must leave quickly."

  "Oh." Han Qingxia swiped the card and closed the elevator door, "What do you mean by destroying? Can you kill all the zombies?"

  Lu Qiyan nodded, "After the destruction device here is turned on, both underground floors will collapse and be sealed."

  Han Qingxia fell into thinking for a moment, especially looking at Lu Qiyan in front of him.

  How does she feel...

  "Do you have three powers?"

  "Yeah." Lu Qiyan said frankly.

  Han Qingxia looked at the man in front of her at this time, no way, no way, she should have saved the zombie king in her previous life!

  The more Han Qingxia thought about it, the more he felt it was very possible!

  First of all, she met Xu Shaoyang during this time period in her previous life. All his companions were gone. If Lu Qiyan was still alive, it would be impossible for him not to look for him, because he knew where they came from!

  What's more, Lu Qiyan turned out to be a three-series superpower... The Zombie King in his previous life came from here, and he was also a three-series superpower zombie!

  "Thank you, I owe you twice."

  At this time, Han Qingxia heard Lu Qiyan's words.

  She immediately beamed and said, "Remember to pay me back in the future, especially the crystal cores. You still owe me 22."

  Regardless of whether it is true or not, this favor must be taken!

  The crystal core is even more important!

  "Okay!" Lu Qiyan saw her smiling face, his cold eyes flashed slightly, and he looked away, just as the elevator door in front of him was about to close.

  When it was about to close, he caught a glimpse of Wang Mengwei's body outside and the empty space around her body...

  Where did Wang Mengwei's supplies go?


  The elevator went up to the first floor.

  Just after they ascended, they heard the rumbling sound of collapse outside.

  At this time, Han Qingxia also heard a reminder in his mind.

  "Dip - Congratulations on completing the task of capturing the United Drug Research and Development Factory!"

  "Reward Lord - Super Electronic Butler!"

  Han Qingxia: "!!!"

  Some people may seem to be having smooth sailing on the surface, but secretly they are even more lucky!

  Chapter 70 Electronic Butler Xiaoxia




  As soon as Han Qingxia went out, Tang Jian and the others surrounded him.

  Everyone looked at Han Qingxia with the fanaticism of chasing stars!

  Han Qingxia showed off her skills today and exploded a water-type vest, which completely shocked these people.

  They never imagined that Han Qingxia was also a person with superpowers, let alone that her superpowers were so powerful!

  When everyone's powers were condensing small fireballs and waterballs, she could actually turn a whole wall of water with a wave of her hand!

  How could she be so strong!

  Too strong!

  After what happened today, they were deeply certain of one thing, and that was-

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