But the attack power of these zombies is many times higher than those outside!

  They pounce on a heavily armed soldier, and can break through his professional protective clothing with one claw. With one heavy withdrawal, they can dig out his beating heart and devour their flesh and blood in one gulp!

  Can't hold it!

  These people can't hold on!

  "Let's go!"

  At the first moment, Han Qingxia rushed into the elevator with her dogs at the speed of light.

  "Get in the elevator! Retreat!"

  At the same time, a familiar male voice came from the front.

  This voice and Han Qingxia ordered at the same time, and Tang Jian and others immediately followed and poured into the elevator.

  At the same time, fire support was provided to the partners behind them.

  Within two seconds, Han Qingxia saw several familiar faces.

  Wang Heng, Li Lin, and Lu Qiyan.

  Sure enough, it was Lu Qiyan's team.

  Among them were four or five soldiers whom Han Qingxia didn't know.

  When these people rushed to the elevator and found Han Qingxia inside, they were obviously shocked, but they had no time to ask questions now. Everyone was racing against time to retreat.

  Behind them are a group of mutated zombies!

  Go, go, go!

  Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!

  Just as they all stepped into the elevator, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard the elevator alarm.

  "Didi! Overweight!"

  Chapter 61 Overweight

  This is a large elevator with a capacity of 20 people and a maximum load of 1.6 tons.

  Han Qingxia has six dogs and two people. Her dogs are well-raised, each weighing 70 to 80 pounds!

  Including Lu Qiyan's side, there were a total of twelve people at the scene.

  Just on the verge of being overweight!

  "Overweight!" When Wang Mengwei heard the elevator's overweight alarm, she immediately ordered Han Qingxia at the back, "Hurry up and get your dog off!"

  When Han Qingxia heard this, her eyes instantly turned murderous, "Overweight, right?"

  In the narrow elevator car, she kicked Wang Mengwei.

  "Get the fuck down here!"


  Wang Mengwei was kicked out of the elevator. Fortunately, there was a group of soldiers guarding the edge of the elevator who were still firing and sniping.

  They urgently grabbed Wang Mengwei and pulled her back.

  At this time, Lu Qiyan, who was at the edge of the elevator with a personal missile on his shoulder, said decisively, "Throw away all the weapons!"

  The zombie group was already less than ten meters away from them.

  His voice fell, and with the next cannonball, the entire individual missile was thrown out, lying across the intersection where the zombies must pass, briefly blocking their footsteps.

  When the other soldiers saw this, they were extremely reluctant to give up and threw their weapons away.

  The zombies who were hit by weapons on the front line groaned and were quickly stepped over by the zombies behind them.

  Just like a piece of wood thrown into the torrent of rats, it can only stop them for a very short time. Before long, the rats will densely crawl over the wood and continue to pounce!

  Not to mention such a group of zombies!

  Fortunately, Lu Qiyan's decision was right.

  Throwing the weapon away desperately, the elevator is no longer overweight.

  The elevator door was closed inch by inch when Wang Mengwei anxiously poked at the door button.

  And just as their door was about to close.

  A female zombie wearing a white coat dived from the ground in an extremely exaggerated posture.

  Han Qingxia, who was in the innermost position, had glaring eyes. She drilled her palm and planned to use the power, but at this moment, a bolt of lightning came out in advance.


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