2. same world different people

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Chapter 2 Part 1

In Love&me meeting hall

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In Love&me meeting hall

"How can you do all these changes without even discussing with board member" "We demand all our investment back" "We will definitely file a case" "Ofc we will such a cheap company we will take this company down"

Tanya's pov:
"Do that and you'll find your grave under my desk" Roared a voice of tigress which made everyone a kitten. Clack sound of my heels made everyone spine shiver as I entered room and smirked on hearing a mumble saying "The bitch is hear"

"Looks like there is some serious discussion in my office that too in my absence-tsk-disappointed" Said my lips with a dark aura. "Do you even realise what you did?" Shouted a man "oww!can you shut up, you are hurting my ear drums with your high pitched voice what are you a pathetic teenage girl" After a long breath to calm my self so I do not kill him i said the obvious "yes, i do duh! i am founder and ceo for a reason. So what are you gonna do" With a smirk which sure irritated them

"We are gonna sue this company" Said another idiot standing up, why are they being so dramatic and standing up
They have piles answered my inner self and i mentally giggled and did high-five to myself
"Aren't you the same man who said something like taking down my company. Didn't you get your answer. Anyway you can't do it so calm your butt you asshole" I said in a very savage tone. "Why do you think i can't" Audacity of him i mocked mentally.
I signalled my PA Lily to pass papers
He saw it and he was confused i understood it and explained "point number 3 clearly states that any malpractice towards my company is done by any board member or investor i have total rights remove them as board member and i can also not return his investment and not give his share." He was shocked but still with confidence asked "what, we didn't do anything?"

Looks like someone is ready to get embarrassed "29 August around 8pm three board members of love&me were at a well known rival of love&me xxxx groups and as per cctv camera it shows they leaked an important formula of new product to them. Lily isn't this malpractice" Lily proudly smirked and said " Yes mam it is and they don't even deserve to stand in your office" That's like my girl "You are right, security get these jerks out of my office . Now! " And just then one man ran towards me to harm me but my legs had good reflex and kicked his balls. Satisfaction.

"If you want to be respected then your subconscious mind should've warned you saying 'never ever disappoint TANYA RAO'".

Obsession to show people their place is a disease and i have it. This is Tanya Rao in office the workaholic, strict and rude bitch that's what my employees are gonna say if you ask them except my PA Lily Cooper.

It's 7:25pm here I am still in my office office. The working hours complete at 6 and I don't encourage overtime to my employee until it's very very important ironic I do it but I don't have family here, so I can totally.

Just then my phone rang oh shit its 12 in India means Rivu's birthday I picked up my phone and then after seeing me the first question my matashree aka my mom asked me is:

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